Disk storage devices on a UNIX® server

You should organize your disk storage devices into groups of storage volumes.

The examples that follow show one way to configure disk storage devices on a server. The examples assume that disk storage is needed for the various Content Manager OnDemand software programs, for data transmitted from OS/390® systems, to index data on the server, for the database and database log files, for the archive storage manager database, and for cache storage.

The number of storage devices that you can put in a group and the number of groups that you can define to the system will depend on the operating system. For example, in AIX 5L Version 5.3, you can have up to 1024 volume groups on the system.

Regardless of the number of disk storage devices that you have on the server or the capacity of the devices, organize the available disk storage as described in the examples that follow. You should adopt the suggested convention for naming the groups, file systems, directories, and files.

If you are configuring a server for a large organization or a server on which you plan to load and maintain a large amount of data on disk, organize your disk storage devices into the following groups:
  • Software programs, control files, resources, and temporary storage
  • Data transmitted from other systems and indexing data on the server
  • Content Manager OnDemand database and database log files
  • Archive storage manager database and recovery logs
  • Cache storage
Table 1. Disk storage groups for a large organization
Volume Group Logical Volume File System Physical Volumes
acifvg aciflv1 /arsacif/acif1 hdisk1
acifvg aciflv2 /arsacif/acif2 hdisk2
cachevg cachelv1 /arscache/cache1 hdisk3, hdisk4
cachevg cachelv2 /arscache/cache2 hdisk5, hdisk6
cachevg cachelv3 /arscache/cache3 hdisk7, hdisk8
db2vg dblv /arsdb hdisk9, hdisk10
db2vg primloglv /arsdb_primarylog hdisk11
db2vg archloglv /arsdb_archivelog hdisk12
rootvg arstmplv /arstmp hdisk13
adsmvg dsmdblv none hdisk14
adsmvg dsmloglv none hdisk15
If you are configuring a server for a small workgroup or a server on which you plan to load and maintain very little data on disk, organize your disk storage devices into two groups:
  • Software programs, control files, resources, and temporary storage
  • Data transmitted from other systems, indexing data on the server, the Content Manager OnDemand database and database log files, and cache storage
Table 2. Disk storage groups for a small workgroup
Volume Group Logical Volume File System Physical Volumes
arsvg aciflv1 /arsacif/acif1 hdisk1
arsvg cachelv1 /arscache/cache1 hdisk2, hdisk3
arsvg dblv /arsdb hdisk4
arsvg primloglv /arsdb_primarylog hdisk1
arsvg archloglv /arsdb_archivelog hdisk1