Checklist for installation on Linux™
You should review the pre-installation instructions checklist before installing the product on Linux.
About this task
![Flow of pre-installation tasks](odinst2a.gif)
Before beginning the installation, you should complete the following tasks:
- Contact the IBM® Support Center for the latest maintenance levels of Db2®, Content Manager OnDemand, and optionally, Tivoli® Storage Manager and Infoprint Manager (Infoprint).
- Obtain a copy of the latest Content Manager OnDemand README file. Print and read the entire file before you begin.
- Check the Content Manager OnDemand prerequisites and verify the required and optional hardware and software products (see Linux™ server requirements).
- Check the hardware and software requirements for all system components and features. See Hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Manager OnDemand for details.
- Determine the type of system configuration that you need to install (see Choosing a configuration).
- If you are upgrading to a new version of Content Manager OnDemand, save the configuration files used by the system (see Saving configuration files on Linux™).
![Flow of installation tasks](odinst3.gif)
Configuring a Content Manager OnDemand system
typically requires that you do the following tasks:
- (Optional) Create a user account for the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner (see Creating a root or non-root user for the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner on Linux).
- Install and configure the database manager product on the library server (see Installing the database manager on Linux™).
- Install the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) (see Installing IBM® Global Security Kit on Linux™).
- If you plan on using SSL for security, set up SSL on the Content Manager OnDemand server and client (see Setting up SSL on a Content Manager OnDemand Linux server).
- If you plan to maintain data in archive storage, install and configure Tivoli Storage Manager on the library server or on each object server that will be used to maintain data in archive storage (see Installing and configuring Tivoli Storage Manager on Linux™).
- Install the Content Manager OnDemand software on each workstation that is part of the Content Manager OnDemand system (see Installing the Content Manager OnDemand software on Linux).
- Configure an instance of Content Manager OnDemand on
each workstation that is part of the Content Manager OnDemand system (see Configuring instances on Linux™). This step includes the following tasks:
- Specify the instance in the ARS.INI file (see Specifying instances in the ARS.INI file)
- Specify the ARS.CFG file for the instance (see Specifying the ARS.CFG file for the instance)
- Specify the ARS.DBFS file for the instance (see Specifying the ARS.DBFS file for the instance)
- Specify the ARS.CACHE file for the instance (see Creating the ARS.CACHE file for the instance)
- Create the instance of Content Manager OnDemand (see Creating an instance of Content Manager OnDemand on Linux). This step includes the following tasks:
- Specify permissions for the database directories (see Specifying permissions for the database directories)
- Create the instance by running the ARSDB program (see Creating an instance of Content Manager OnDemand on Linux™)
- Initialize the system logging facility by running the ARSSYSCR program (see Initializing the system logging facility)
- (Optional) Initialize the system migration facility by running the ARSSYSCR program (see Initializing the system migration facility)
- (Optional) Initialize the system load logging facility by running the ARSSYSCR program (see Initialize the system load logging facility).
- Automate instance operations (see Automating instance operations on Linux™).
This step includes the following tasks:
- Start the database on the library server (see Starting the database)
- Start the instance on the library server (see Starting the instance on the library server)
- Start the instance on an object server (see Starting the instance on an object server)
- Start the data loading programs (see Starting the data loading programs)
- Schedule application group maintenance on the library server (see Scheduling application group maintenance on the library server)
- Schedule application group maintenance on an object server (see Scheduling application group maintenance on an object server)
- Schedule system table maintenance (see Scheduling system table maintenance)
- Schedule a backup of the Content Manager OnDemand database (see Scheduling the Content Manager OnDemand database backup)
![Flow of verification tasks](odinst4.gif)
Verify the installation of Content Manager OnDemand (see Verifying the installation):
- After installing and configuring each Content Manager OnDemand server, restart the system. The operating system reinitializes and starts the services required by Content Manager OnDemand.
- Log in to the library server with a Content Manager OnDemand client program. (To access the system, you must install at least one of the Content Manager OnDemand client programs on a PC running Microsoft Windows. See the IBM Content Manager OnDemand: Client Installation Guide for installation information about the OnDemand Client or the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Administration Guide for installation information about the OnDemand Administrator client.)
![Flow of verification tasks](odinst5.gif)
Prepare the system for use:
- Define storage sets (see Define storage sets). Before you add application groups or load data into the system, you must define storage sets.
- Configure the System Log application group (see Configuring the System Log application group). Before you define reports to the system, load data, or let users access the system, you should configure the System Log application group.
- If you plan to migrate index data to archive storage, configure the System Migration application group (see Configure the System Migration application group).
- Back up the databases (see Backing up the Content Manager OnDemand database). After configuring the system, you should create a full backup image of the Content Manager OnDemand database and the Tivoli Storage Manager database.
Installing and configuring optional software:
- If you plan to use Download for the z/OS® feature (Download) to transmit
data from z/OS systems to Content Manager OnDemand servers, then you must install
and configure Download. Follow the instructions in PSF
for z/OS: Download for z/OS to plan, install, configure, and
verify the installation of the Download software. Then configure Download
on each Content Manager OnDemand server.
Complete the following tasks:
- Obtain a copy of PSF for z/OS: Download for z/OS.
- Check the prerequisites and verify the z/OS and TCP/IP software levels for Download.
- Install and configure the Download software.
- Configure Download on each Content Manager OnDemand server that will receive data sets from an z/OS system. (see Starting the data loading programs).
- If you plan to reprint documents using the Content Manager OnDemand server print function, you
must install Infoprint on a workstation that belongs to the same network
as the Content Manager OnDemand library
server. Follow the instructions in the Infoprint documentation for
your operating system to plan, install, configure, and verify the
installation of the Infoprint software. Then configure the server
print function on the library server. Complete the following tasks:
- Obtain a copy of the Infoprint documentation for the server operating system.
- Install and configure Infoprint.
- Verify that all of the resources and fonts that your organization requires to reprint the reports that you plan to store in Content Manager OnDemand are installed on the Infoprint server.
- Define the print queues and devices that Infoprint uses to manage the Content Manager OnDemand server print environment.
- Obtain the TCP/IP host name or IP address of the Infoprint server.
- On the library server, edit the ARSPRT file and insert the host name or IP address of the Infoprint server. The ARSPRT file can be found in the /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/bin directory.
- Define a server printer on the Content Manager OnDemand library server with the OnDemand Administrator client.
- If you need to customize and enhance the standard functionality
within the product, see the user exit documentation in the Appendix
of this publication. A user exit is a point during processing that
enables you to run a user-written program and return control of processing
after your user-written program ends. Content Manager OnDemand provides the following user
exit points:
- Download user exit
- Report specifications archive definition user exit
- Retrieval preview user exit
- Security user exit
- System log user exit
- Table space creation user exit