Creating the ARS.DBFS file for the instance

The ARS.DBFS file lists the file systems on the library server that can be used by the database manager to maintain index data in table spaces.


To create (or edit) the ARS.DBFS file for the instance:

  1. Log in to the server as the root user.
  2. Change to the /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/config directory.
  3. Create (or edit) the ARS.DBFS file using a standard text editor such as vi.
  4. Add one line for each file system that Content Manager OnDemand can use for table spaces.
  5. Save the file and exit the editor.
  6. A table space file system must be owned by the database instance owner and group. The suggested defaults are archive (instance owner) and db2iadm1 (group). You specified the instance owner and group when you installed the database manager product (see Installing the database manager on Linux™). Make sure that the user and group file permissions are set correctly.
    For example:
         drwxrws---  3 archive db2iadm1  512 May 17 12:58 /arsdb/db1/SMS
    You can use the CHOWN command to set the ownership permissions. For example, the following command changes the owner of all file systems in the /arsdb tree to the archive user and the db2iadm1 group:
         chown -R archive:db2iadm1 /arsdb*
  7. You can use the CHMOD command to set the file permissions.
    For example, the following commands set the correct permissions for the /arsdb/db1/SMS filesystem:
         chmod 2770 /arsdb/db1/SMS
         chmod g+s /arsdb/db1/SMS