Temporary space for importing index data
If you do not plan to migrate index data from the database to archive storage, then you do not need to allocate temporary storage space for importing the migrated index data.
Content Manager OnDemand requires temporary work space to import migrated index data from archive storage into the database. You must allocate enough disk space to support the maximum number of concurrent import requests that the server must manage. It is recommended that you define a dedicated file system where Content Manager OnDemand can store temporary data created by the programs that import migrated index data. The amount of space that you allocate to this file system is based on the size of your application group tables and the number of tables that you must import to satisfy a query for migrated data.
It is recommended that you have at least 500 MB of free space available in this file system at all times. If your storage configuration permits or the size of your database tables dictates, you might need to allocate 1 GB or more free space to this file system. For example, based on the estimate for the sample reports and making some assumptions about how the data is stored in Content Manager OnDemand, you need approximately 500 MB of space to import one application group table. If you need to import two application group tables to satisfy a query, then the import program requires at least 1 GB of temporary disk space.