Export (List)

Exports items from one Content Manager OnDemand library server (the source server) and adds them to another (the destination server).

To export an item from a server, you must have permission to access the item. (You can only export items that appear in the list.)

To add an item to a server, you must have permission to add the item:

  • To add a user, you must be a user administrator, system administrator, or a user with Create Users authority.
  • To add a group, you must be a system administrator or a user with Create Groups authority.
  • To add an application group, you must be an application group/folder/cabinet administrator, a system administrator, or a user with Create Application Groups authority.
  • To add a folder, you must be an application group/folder/cabinet administrator, a system administrator, or a user with Create Folders authority.
  • To add a storage set or a printer, you must be a system administrator.

When a user is exported, the password is exported along with the other user information.

When exporting an application group or folder, you give administrator permission on the destination server for the application group or the folder.

When an application group is exported, applications that belong to the application group are automatically exported.

After a storage set is exported, a system administrator must update any of the exported storage nodes that use storage managers with passwords before the storage nodes can be used. Passwords are not exported with the storage nodes.

You cannot export a printer to a local server.