Advanced Storage Management

About this task

Use to specify advanced storage management options for the application group.

Object Size (K).
The size of a storage object for the application group, in kilobytes.
Migrate Data from Cache.
Determines when Content Manager OnDemand copies documents and resources to archive storage. To maintain data in archive storage, you must select a storage set that identifies a storage node that is maintained by the archive storage manager. If you select a cache-only storage set, then Content Manager OnDemand automatically sets Migrate Data from Cache to No. Choose from No, When Data is Loaded, Next Cache Migration, and After __ Days in Cache.
Migration of Indexes.
Determines when Content Manager OnDemand migrates index data to archive storage. Choose from No Migration and Migrate After __ Days. For more details about index migration, see index migration.
Note: Always set Migration of Indexes to No Migration on an IBM® i server.
Keep Imported Migrated Indexes.
Determines when Content Manager OnDemand deletes migrated, imported index data from the database. More details.