Global variables used by the sample program

You can define the global variables used by the sample program.

This section defines the global variables used by the sample program.

Option Explicit
Global Const apptitle = "Content Manager OnDemand VB Demo"
Global Const yes = 1
Global Const no = 0
Global Const leave = 100000#

Global Const arstopic = "ARS|ARS"     'Default DDE application at topic

Global Const defini = "arsvblan.ini"  'Default ini file name
Global Const defstanza = "VBDEMO"     'Default stanza
Global Const arsgui = "ARSGUI.EXE"  'Default Client exe

'Default Client parms
' Default Client startup parms
' /I   = enable DDE interface
' /B   = disable user confirmation
' /W N = invisible window (don't use during debugging)
' /K   = disable Exit (don't use during debugging)
' /V   = disable anticipation
Global Const arsguiopts = " /I /B /V /W N /K"

Global ininame As String              'Ini file name
Global server As String               'Server name
Global userid As String               'userid
Global pass As String                 'password
Global folder As String               'folder

Global guipath As String              'Client exe path
Global Const linktype = 2             'DDE linkage = manual
Global Const linktime = 3000          'DDE wait time

Global doc_ids(0 To 2) As String      'Doc ids returned on OPEN_DOC

Global txtStack(1 To 10) As String

'Define the Windows APIs used by the program
Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Integer
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal sname$, ByVal Kname$,
 ByVal Def$, ByVal ret$,ByVal Size%, ByVal Fname$) As Integer
Declare Function SetFocusAPI Lib "User" Alias "SetFocus" (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As Integer