Entry point for the sample program
The sample program will drive the Content Manager OnDemand Windows client by using the DDE interface.
Some important things to note:
- The commands sent to the Content Manager OnDemand client are not DDE EXECUTE's, they are all DDE REQUEST's. This is important because sending DDE EXECUTE's to the Content Manager OnDemand client results in an error.
- It is important to start the Content Manager OnDemand client with at least the /I option. This enables the DDE interface of the Content Manager OnDemand client. (See the globals section to see what options were used for the VBDEMO.)
The sample program was written using Visual Basic 5.0 (32-bit). The txtDemo control (which is
hidden) is used as the DDE client in the DDE conversation with the Content Manager OnDemand client window. In fncDDElink(), you will see
where we setup this control to perform the DDE request and that the data comes back
to this control. Therefore any data returned by the Content Manager OnDemand client window has to be parsed from out of this
Sub Main()
Dim rc As Integer
'Initialize globals and read in data from ini file(s).
Call fncInit
frmStatusDlg.lblStatus.Caption = "Starting client..."
frmStatusDlg.Show 0
'Start Content Manager OnDemand client.
Shell (guipath + arsgui + arsguiopts)
'Logon to the server (logon information was gathered from ini
'file during fncInit. User cannot do anything else while this
'is going on. Try to use SetFocusAPI() to restore focus to our
'status message while this is going on.
frmStatusDlg.lblStatus.Caption = "Logging on to Server..."
Call frmCreditV1.fncLogon
rc = SetFocusAPI(frmStatusDlg.hWnd)
'Open the "Baxter Bay Credit" folder
frmStatusDlg.lblStatus.Caption = "Opening folder..."
Call frmCreditV1.fncOpenFolder
'Don't need the status message box any more.
'Only after we have logged on and opened the folder do we
'display the VBDEMO form.
frmCreditV1.Show 1
End Sub
'Send DDE REQUEST of CLOSE_ALL_DOCS to the client window:
Private Sub fncCloseDoc()
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
Call fncDispStatus("Close all open docs...")
cmdline = "CLOSE_ALL_DOCS"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
Call fncDispStatus("All open docs closed.")
End Sub
'This procedure handles the link to the Content Manager OnDemand client.
' Topic should come in as ARS|ARS, this is the app name and topic name.
Private Sub fncDDElink(ByVal topic As String, ByVal cmnd As String,
ByVal mode As Integer, ByVal waittime As Integer)
'Setup local variables
Dim sync, lntxtDemo, i, rc As Integer
Dim workchar, workline, msg As String
'Set up error handler to show contact errors
On Error GoTo HandleError
'Set up DDE link and pass required data:
txtDemo = "-"
txtDemo.LinkTimeout = waittime
txtDemo.LinkTopic = topic
txtDemo.LinkItem = cmnd
txtDemo.LinkMode = mode
'Calling LinkRequest performs the request.
Exit Sub
'Handle DDE errors
rc = Err
Select Case rc
Case 280 To 297
Select Case rc
Case 280
msg = "DDE channel not closed; awaiting response from foreign application"
Case 281
msg = "No more DDE channels"
Case 282
msg = "DDE requests are being refused"
Case 283
msg = "Too many apps responded"
Case 284
msg = "DDE channel locked"
Case 285
msg = "App is not accepting DDE requests...' "
End Select
Case Else
msg = "Non-DDE error occurred " + Str(rc)
End Select
MsgBox msg
Resume Next
End Sub
'Used to send DDE REQUEST command of ACTIVATE_DOC or OPEN_DOC to
' the Content Manager OnDemand client.
Private Sub fncDispDoc(ByVal docnum As Integer)
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
'If the document the user is requesting to be displayed has
'previously been opened, then use ACTIVATE_DOC to redisplay
'it, otherwise we will need to OPEN_DOC and store away the
'document id.
'If the user closes the document view from the client interface
'we need to be notified of this event so that we can update
'our doc_id array. Currently the client does not support this.
If doc_ids(docnum) <> "0" Then
Call fncDispStatus("Activating the document...")
cmdline = "ACTIVATE_DOC /D " + doc_ids(docnum)
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
'The user possibly closed the view from the client,
'reset the document id to 0 and tell the user to try again.
doc_ids(docnum) = "0"
Call fncDispStatus("Activating the document...ERROR")
MsgBox "Could not activate, try to view again!"
Exit Sub
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Activating the document...done")
'Open the document
Call fncDispStatus("Open the document...")
cmdline = "OPEN_DOC /N " + Str(docnum)
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
doc_ids(docnum) = fncGetdochandle(txtDemo)
Call fncDispStatus("Open the document...done.")
End If
'Make the display visible
Call fncDispStatus("Opening the display...")
cmdline = "SHOW_WINDOW /W"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Opening the display...done.")
Call fncDispStatus("Document retrieval complete.")
End Sub
'Obtains the hitlist of documents from the Content Manager OnDemand client.
Private Sub fncGetHitlist()
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
Dim num_docs As Integer
'Get the number of documents which matched the search
cmdline = "GET_NUM_DOCS_IN_LIST"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
num_docs = CInt(Mid(txtDemo, 3, 10))
If num_docs = 0 Then
MsgBox "No documents found matching search criteria!"
Exit Sub
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Getting account information...")
'Get the first document and parse its data to display
cmdline = "GET_DOC_VALUES /N 0"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
Call fncExtract(txtDemo.Text)
'Display its data
pnlPayData1.Caption = txtStack(1)
Panel3D1.Caption = txtStack(4)
'Add about 20 days or so to the statement date'
Panel3D2.Caption = fncParseDate(txtStack(1))
cmdViewStmt1.Enabled = True
'If there are at least two documents then get number 2
If num_docs > 1 Then
cmdline = "GET_DOC_VALUES /N 1"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
Call fncExtract(txtDemo.Text)
'Display its data
pnlPayData2.Caption = txtStack(1)
Panel3D3.Caption = txtStack(4)
'Add about 20 days or so to the statement date'
Panel3D4.Caption = fncParseDate(txtStack(1))
cmdViewStmt2.Enabled = True
'There was only 1 document so disable 2nd "View" button.
cmdViewStmt2.Enabled = False
End If
'If there are at least three documents then get number 3
If num_docs > 2 Then
cmdline = "GET_DOC_VALUES /N 2"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
Call fncExtract(txtDemo.Text)
'Display its data
pnlPayData3.Caption = txtStack(1)
Panel3D5.Caption = txtStack(4)
'Add about 20 days or so to the statement date'
Panel3D6.Caption = fncParseDate(txtStack(1))
cmdViewStmt3.Enabled = True
'There were only 2 documents so disable 3rd "View" button.
cmdViewStmt3.Enabled = False
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Getting account information...done.")
End Sub
'Procedure used to hide the Content Manager OnDemand client window.
'Sends a DDE REQUEST message of SHOW_WINDOW to the client.
Private Sub fncHideWindow()
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
cmdline = "SHOW_WINDOW /W N"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
End Sub
'Logon to the Content Manager OnDemand client.
Public Sub fncLogon()
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
Call fncDispStatus("Logon to Client...")
cmdline = "LOGON /S " + server + " /U " + userid + " /P " + pass
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
'If we fail the logon the client will display his logon dialog.
'We will not return from this DDE call until the user either
'successfully log's onto a server or cancel's the process, in
'which case we end up with an error code and inside of this If
'statement. Close the client and then ourselves.
'I am not sure if the above statement is valid if you started up
' the Content Manager OnDemand client with the Disable anticipation (/V) parameter.
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, "EXIT", linktype, 3000)
Call fncDispStatus("Logon to client...failed.")
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Logon to Client...done.")
End Sub
'Open up a Content Manager OnDemand folder.
Public Sub fncOpenFolder()
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
Call fncDispStatus("Open the folder...")
cmdline = "OPEN_FOLDER /F " + folder
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
Call fncDispStatus("Open the folder...done.")
End Sub
'Search the Content Manager OnDemand folder for documents.
Private Sub fncSearchDoc(ByVal AcctNum As String)
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
'Setup our search fields with the client.
Call fncDispStatus("Setting up Search...")
cmdline = "SET_FIELD_DATA /F Account /1 " + AcctNum
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Setting up Search...done.")
'Have the client perform the search.
Call fncDispStatus("Performing the Search...")
cmdline = "SEARCH_FOLDER"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
Call fncDispStatus("Performing the Search...done.")
End Sub
'Performs three DDE steps for us:
' - Inform client to retrieve selected document.
' - Enable the switch back toolbar button on the clients toolbar so that the
' user can get back easily to the VBDEMO.
' - Switch focus to the client.
Private Sub fncViewDoc(ByVal docnum As Integer)
'Setup local variables
Dim MyHandle As Integer
'Display the document
Call fncDispDoc(docnum)
'Activate DDE and transfer Focus to Content Manager OnDemand
MyHandle = frmCreditV1.hWnd
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, "ENABLE_SWITCH /H " + Str(MyHandle) + " /C " + apptitle,
linktype, 3000)
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, "SET_FOCUS", linktype, 3000)
End Sub
'Displays error code.
Private Sub quit(ByVal qinfo As String, ByVal qrc As String)
Dim quitstring As String
quitstring = "Error encountered: " + qinfo + " rc=" + qrc
MsgBox quitstring
End Sub
'GUI control used to display customer information.
'We do not obtain the customer information from out of Content Manager OnDemand, it is
' not stored there. The normal way to obtain this information would be
' to get it out of your business database. After which you would look up
' the customer statements in Content Manager OnDemand. We simply get this information from
' out of an ini file.
Private Sub cmdCustInfo_Click()
Dim acct_num, ini_str As String
Dim cmdline, qrc As String
Dim rc As Integer
Dim first_num, second_num, third_num As Integer
'Zero out the Payment record fields before retrieving new customer
pnlPayData1.Caption = ""
Panel3D1.Caption = ""
Panel3D2.Caption = ""
pnlPayData2.Caption = ""
Panel3D3.Caption = ""
Panel3D4.Caption = ""
pnlPayData3.Caption = ""
Panel3D5.Caption = ""
Panel3D6.Caption = ""
'Zero out the Customer Information fields.
pnlNameData.Caption = ""
pnlSSNData.Caption = ""
pnlDOBData.Caption = ""
pnlMNameData.Caption = ""
pnlAddrData1.Caption = ""
pnlAddrData2.Caption = ""
pnlPhoneData.Caption = ""
'Disable "View" buttons
cmdViewStmt1.Enabled = False
cmdViewStmt2.Enabled = False
cmdViewStmt3.Enabled = False
'Hide client window
Call fncHideWindow
'Look up the account number, contained in the pnlAcctnumData text field
'in the arsvblan.ini file. If found, read the respective
'fields. If not found display error message.
acct_num = txtAcctnumData.Text
'Do at least a little validation.
If Len(acct_num) <> 11 Then
MsgBox "Correct format for account # is 000-000-000"
Exit Sub
End If
'If we have gotten to here we know that we have an account
'number of the format 000-000-000. If either of the first
'two sections of the number are nonzero or if the third
'section is not between 001-046 then default to the account
'number 000-000-001.
first_num = Int(Mid(acct_num, 1, 3))
second_num = Int(Mid(acct_num, 5, 3))
third_num = Int(Mid(acct_num, 9, 3))
If first_num <> 0 Or second_num <> 0 Or third_num > 46 Then
acct_num = "000-000-001"
ElseIf third_num = 0 Then
MsgBox "Invalid account number!"
Exit Sub
End If
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "Name", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'Name' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlNameData.Caption = " " + ini_str
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "SSN", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'SSN' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlSSNData.Caption = " " + ini_str
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "DOB", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'DOB' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlDOBData.Caption = " " + ini_str
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "MaidenName", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'MaidenName' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlMNameData.Caption = " " + ini_str
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "StreetAddress", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'StreetAddress' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlAddrData1.Caption = " " + ini_str
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "CityStateZip", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'CityStateZip' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlAddrData2.Caption = " " + ini_str
ini_str = fncParmGet(acct_num, "PhoneNum", ininame)
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "'PhoneNum' field not found for acct#" + acct_num + "in " + ininame
Exit Sub
End If
pnlPhoneData.Caption = " " + ini_str
'We are changing customer accounts so before we get new customer
'information, close old customers open documents.
If doc_ids(0) <> "0" Or doc_ids(1) <> "0" Or doc_ids(2) <> "0" Then
doc_ids(0) = "0"
doc_ids(1) = "0"
doc_ids(2) = "0"
cmdline = "CLOSE_ALL_DOCS"
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, cmdline, linktype, 3000)
qrc = fncGetrc(txtDemo)
If qrc <> "0" Then
Call quit(cmdline, qrc)
End If
End If
'Set up the search fields and perform search.
Call fncSearchDoc(acct_num)
'Get the 3 most recent statements.
Call fncGetHitlist
'Give ourselves back the focus
rc = SetFocusAPI(frmCreditV1.hWnd)
End Sub
'User has chosen to exit the VBDEMO. Before exiting close down the client.
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Dim Content Manager OnDemandHandle As Integer
Call fncDispStatus("Program ending...")
'Determine if Content Manager OnDemand is loaded
Content Manager OnDemandHandle = GetModuleHandle(arsgui)
'If not loaded, then quit, else shutdown
If Content Manager OnDemandHandle > 0 Then
Call fncDispStatus("Shutting Client Down...")
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, "EXIT", linktype, linktime)
End If
'Terminate the VBDEMO
End Sub
'View button number 1. Have the client retrieve the first document in
' the hitlist and display it.
Private Sub cmdViewStmt1_Click()
Call fncViewDoc(0)
End Sub
'View button number 2. Have the client retrieve the second document in
' the hitlist and display it.
Private Sub cmdViewStmt2_Click()
Call fncViewDoc(1)
End Sub
'View button number 3. Have the client retrieve the third document in
' the hitlist and display it.
Private Sub cmdViewStmt3_Click()
Call fncViewDoc(2)
End Sub
'If the user is not using the Exit button to close down the demo
' this function will be called as a result of the form being unloaded
' so go ahead and shut down the client then exit.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Content Manager OnDemandHandle As Integer
Call fncDispStatus("Program ending...")
'Determine if Content Manager OnDemand is loaded
Content Manager OnDemandHandle = GetModuleHandle(arsgui)
'If not loaded, then quit, else shutdown
If Content Manager OnDemandHandle > 0 Then
Call fncDispStatus("Shutting Client Down...")
Call fncDDElink(arstopic, "EXIT", linktype, linktime)
End If
'Terminate the VBDEMO
End Sub
'Make sure that the data they are entering for the account number
' is valid.
Private Sub txtAcctnumData_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim pos As Integer
pos = txtAcctnumData.SelStart
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 48 To 59
'pos must be 0-2, 4-6, 8-10
Select Case pos
Case 0 To 2, 4 To 6, 8 To 10
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
Case 45 ' the - character
'pos must be 3 or 7
If pos <> 3 And pos <> 7 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
Case 8, 127
'Just let these through.
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
'This procedure fills in the status line on the form and left adjusts.
Public Sub fncDispStatus(ByVal status As String)
frmCreditV1.pnlStatus.Caption = status + Space$(255)
End Sub
'This procedure breaks out the words of the input
'string. Words must be delimited by a tab character.
'The words are stored in the global string array txtStack.
Sub fncExtract(ByVal workstring As String)
Dim txtptr, lenstring, i As Integer
Dim tabchar, workline, workchar As String
txtptr = 0
tabchar = Chr(9)
workline = ""
lenstring = Len(workstring)
workstring = Mid$(workstring, 3, lenstring)
'Extract chars to the first blank
For i = 1 To lenstring
workchar = Mid$(workstring, i, 1)
'When a tab is found, store result, reset
If workchar = tabchar Then
txtptr = txtptr + 1
txtStack(txtptr) = workline
workline = ""
'Otherwise, keep building the work string
workline = workline + workchar
End If
If Len(workline) > 0 Then
txtptr = txtptr + 1
txtStack(txtptr) = workline
End If
End Sub
'This function extracts out the document handle from the
'return string.
Function fncGetdochandle(ByVal workstring As String)
Dim lenstring, first, i As Integer
Dim rc, workline, workchar As String
'Set the return code for invalid function call
rc = "999"
first = yes
workstring = Trim$(workstring)
lenstring = Len(workstring)
'Extract chars to the first blank
If lenstring > 0 Then
workline = ""
For i = 1 To lenstring
workchar = Mid$(workstring, i, 1)
'When a second blank is found, stop
If workchar = " " Then
If first = yes Then
first = no
workline = ""
rc = workline
i = leave
End If
'Otherwise build up return code
workline = workline + workchar
End If
'If the doc handle has been built, assign it
If workline <> "" Then
rc = workline
End If
End If
'Set the function return value
fncGetdochandle = rc
End Function
'This function extracts out the return code from the
'return string.
Function fncGetrc(ByVal workstring As String)
Dim lenstring, i As Long
Dim rc, workline, workchar As String
'Set the return code for invalid function call
rc = "999"
workstring = Trim$(workstring)
lenstring = Len(workstring)
'Extract chars to the first blank
If lenstring > 0 Then
workline = ""
For i = 1 To lenstring
workchar = Mid$(workstring, i, 1)
'When a blank is found, stop
If workchar = " " Then
rc = workline
i = leave
'Otherwise build up return code
workline = workline + workchar
End If
'If a return code has been built, assign it
If workline <> "" Then
rc = workline
End If
End If
'Set the function return value
fncGetrc = rc
End Function
'Perform global initialization
Sub fncInit()
Dim ini_str As String
'Set document ids for all three to 0
doc_ids(0) = "0"
doc_ids(1) = "0"
doc_ids(2) = "0"
'Disable "View" buttons
frmCreditV1.cmdViewStmt1.Enabled = False
frmCreditV1.cmdViewStmt2.Enabled = False
frmCreditV1.cmdViewStmt3.Enabled = False
'The VBDEMO keyword in the PATHS stanza of the ars.ini file
'points to the .ini file where the other
'demo settings can be picked up. If the
'VBDEMO keyword cannot be found, the ini
'file is set to arsvblan.ini.
'Try to find vbdemo inifile name
ininame = defini
ini_str = fncParmGet("PATHS", "VBDEMO", "ars.ini")
'If the ini name is found, then set
If Len(ini_str) > 0 Then
ininame = ini_str
End If
'Try to find arsgui execution path
ini_str = fncParmGet(defstanza, "GUIPath", ininame)
'If it can't be found, check for an env var
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cannot find GUIPath in " + ininame
End If
'If the path is found, then set
If Len(ini_str) > 0 Then
guipath = ini_str + "\"
End If
'Try to find the server in the ars ini file
ini_str = fncParmGet(defstanza, "Server", ininame)
'If it can't be found, check for an env var
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cannot find Server in " + ininame
End If
If Len(ini_str) > 0 Then
server = ini_str
End If
'Try to find the userid in the ars ini file
ini_str = fncParmGet(defstanza, "Userid", ininame)
'If it can't be found, check for an env var
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cannot find Userid in " + ininame
End If
If Len(ini_str) > 0 Then
userid = ini_str
End If
'Try to find the password in the ars ini file
ini_str = fncParmGet(defstanza, "Password", ininame)
'If it can't be found, check for an env var
If Len(ini_str) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cannot find Password in " + ininame
End If
If Len(ini_str) > 0 Then
pass = ini_str
End If
If pass = "<NULL>" Then
pass = ""
End If
'Try to find the folder in the ars ini file
ini_str = fncParmGet(defstanza, "Folder", ininame)
folder = ini_str
End Sub
'This function returns information from the ini file.
Function fncParmGet(ByVal stanza As String, ByVal keyname As String, ByVal inifile As String)
Dim Default, result As String
Dim rc As Integer
Default = ""
result = Space$(255)
rc = GetPrivateProfileString(stanza, keyname, Default, result, Len(result), inifile)
If rc Then
fncParmGet = Trim$(result)
If Len(fncParmGet) > 1 Then
fncParmGet = Left$(fncParmGet, Len(fncParmGet) - 1)
End If
fncParmGet = ""
End If
End Function
'This function is only used to dummy up the date paid
'field of the form. The reason being is that for the
'demo, which uses the 'Baxter Bay Credit' folder,
'we cannot get this information from the database.
'This function adds approximately 20 days to the statement
'date field (which is passed in).
Public Function fncParseDate(ByVal stmtdate As String)
Dim date_array(1 To 3) As String
Dim searchch, workline, workchar As String
Dim txtptr, lenstring, i As Integer
Dim pay_day, pay_month, pay_year As Integer
txtptr = 0
searchch = Chr(47)
workline = ""
lenstring = Len(stmtdate)
'Extract chars to the first '/'
For i = 1 To lenstring
workchar = Mid$(stmtdate, i, 1)
'When a '/' is found, store result, reset
If workchar = searchch Then
txtptr = txtptr + 1
date_array(txtptr) = workline
workline = ""
'Otherwise, keep building the work string
workline = workline + workchar
End If
If Len(workline) > 0 Then
txtptr = txtptr + 1
date_array(txtptr) = workline
End If
'date_array contains three elements, the first is the month
'number, the second is the day of the month and third is
'the year. Simply check if the day of the month plus 20
'is greater than 28, if so the difference becomes the new
'day of the month and we increment the month number.
pay_day = Int(date_array(2)) + 20
pay_month = Int(date_array(1))
pay_year = Int(date_array(3))
If pay_day > 28 Then
pay_day = pay_day - 28
pay_month = pay_month + 1
If pay_month > 12 Then
pay_month = 1
pay_year = pay_year + 1
End If
End If
fncParseDate = LTrim(Str(pay_month)) + "/" + LTrim(Str(pay_day)) + "/" + LTrim(Str(pay_year))
End Function