Running the FTS Exporter

The FTS Exporter processes the work items in the ARSFTIWORK table. The FTS Exporter begins processing work items, starting with the oldest items. It continues to process these work items until the table is empty. Then, it goes to sleep for a specified amount of time before it wakes up to look for more work items.

After you configure the FTS Exporter, as described in Configuring the FTS Exporter, you must run the FTS Exporter with the config file as a parameter. The FTS Exporter requires a reference to the ODWEK native libraries that ship with Content Manager OnDemand to work correctly. The easiest way to perform this task is to add this reference to the start command line when you run Java with the FTS Exporter JAR file.

The following shows how to start the FTS Exporter with odfts.cfg as the configuration file and /opt/ibm/ondemand/Vx.y/lib64 as the directory where the native library is installed:
java -Djava.library.path=/opt/ibm/ondemand/Vx.y/lib64 
-jar ODFTIExporter.jar index -configFile odfts.cfg

In Windows environments, ensure that you enclose the ODWEK path with quotation marks if it contains spaces.

The FTS Exporter can be shut down by either sending it a kill signal (SIGTERM) or by pressing Ctrl+C. Both options will begin the shutdown process by the FTS Exporter. The shutdown process includes finishing up any tasks already in progress.