ODRESTAdmin utility

The ODRESTAdmin utility is a Java application provided to complete three configuration tasks required by REST Services. These three tasks must be completed prior to starting the REST Services. For a default installation, the utility can be found in the following location:






C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand\V10.5\jars

Usage of the ODRESTAdmin utility requires that one of three actions be specified followed by the action’s relevant parameters. The possible actions are: setup, createPool, and generateKey. Running the ODRESTAdmin utility without an action specified produces output that shows the possible actions as well as the version information. Running it with an action specified but no parameters results in output that shows the parameters relevant to that action.

Note: The actions must be run in a specific order. Run setup first, createPool second, and generateKey last.

The ODRESTAdmin utility is a Java application and therefore requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The following usage examples all assume that the Java executable is in the PATH.


java -jar ODRESTAdmin.jar
Usage: ODRESTAdmin [generateKey | createPool | setup]