Creating keys
The ODRESTAdmin generateKey command, along with its required parameters, generates the Access key and the Secret key and stores them encrypted in a .ksf key file. The key file is created in the keys subdirectory that was created by the ODRESTAdmin setup command. The key pair is directly tied to a connection pool. For this reason, the connection files must exist prior to creating a key pair. These keys are discussed in detail in Specifying headers.
Once a key file is created, the access key and secret key are displayed to the screen. These keys are needed in order to make REST Services requests. Special care should be taken to secure the keys properly.
Keys cannot be regenerated, nor can they be recovered directly from the key file. If the key is lost or compromised, the key file should be deleted and a new one generated with the ODRESTAdmin generateKey command.
To remove a key, navigate to the keys subdirectory and delete the key file in question. Once deleted, the REST Services application server will need to be restarted in order to recreate the connection pool with the correct key.
C:\RestAdmin>java -jar ODRESTAdmin.jar generateKey
Usage ODRESTAdmin [generateKey]
-configDir <configuration directory> Path to the REST
services configuration directory
-poolName <name of existing connection pool> Connection
pool consumer will be assigned to
-consumerName <Consumer Name> ID of REST consumer
Parameter details
The ODRESTAdmin generateKey command takes the following required parameters:
configDir | The path to the REST Services configuration directory. This is
the directory created in the ODRESTAdmin setup step.
Example: c:\restcfgdir |
poolName | Use the same value that was provided in
the ODRESTAdmin createPool command.
Example: odtest |
consumerName | The name used to identify the user of the generated key. The name has a maximum length of 16
characters with no special characters allowed. This is also the name of the key file
that is created in the keys directory.
Example: DeptXYZAccessID |
Example - AIX or Linux
java -jar ODRESTAdmin.jar generateKey -configDir /restcfgdir -
poolName odtest -consumerName DeptXYZAccessID
Pool file: /restcfgdir/pools/odtest.conn is valid
Creating key file DeptXYZAccessID.ksf.....
Encrypted key: NvADbkjshdf89suyedfj3....
Successfully generated keyfile DeptXYZAccessID.ksf
Access key: odtest-3JgxXB4DxGXrOS3JxNpV
Secret key: /UH+iOWro1lbja2//E9lhIqWl2IIQtBFcNnxT2C2
Example - Windows
java -jar ODRESTAdmin.jar generateKey -configDir c:\restcfgdir -
poolName odtest -consumerName DeptXYZAccessID
Pool file: c:\restcfgdir\pools\odtest.conn is valid
Creating key file DeptXYZAccessID.ksf.....
Encrypted key: NvADbkjshdf89suyedfj3....
Successfully generated keyfile DeptXYZAccessID.ksf
Access key: cmodtest-3JgxXB4DxGXrOS3JxNpV
Secret key: /UH+iOWro1lbja2//E9lhIqWl2IIQtBFcNnxT2C2
The contents of the DeptXYZAccessID.ksf key file that is generated:
#Thu Jan 16 14:09:34 MST 2020