ShowFolder method
The Content Manager OnDemand Folder dialog box is displayed or hidden.
- Method
- short ShowFolder(
- Parameters
- Show
- If nonzero, indicates that the Content Manager OnDemand Folder dialog box is to be displayed; otherwise, that it is to be hidden.
- Left
- Specifies the X coordinate of the upper left point at which the dialog box is to be displayed. If Show is zero, this parameter is ignored. If Show is nonzero and this parameter is less than zero, the dialog box is displayed at its current size and location.
- Top
- Specifies the Y coordinate of the upper left point at which the dialog box is to be displayed.
- Right
- Specifies the X coordinate of the lower right point at which the dialog box is to be displayed.
- Bottom
- Specifies the Y coordinate of the lower right point at which the dialog box is to be displayed.
- Description
- The Content Manager OnDemand Folder dialog box is displayed or hidden.
- Return Value
- Refer to return codes.
- See Also
- OpenFolder and ActivateFolder method
C/C + +
The following example shows the Content Manager OnDemand Folder dialog box centered in the screen with a border equal to ten percent of the screen size. CArsOle * pArsCtrl;
short rc, left, top, right, bottom;
int screen_width, screen_height;
screen_width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN );
screen_height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN );
left = screen_width / 10;
top = screen_height / 10;
right = screen_width * 8 / 10;
bottom = screen_height * 8 / 10;
rc = pArsCtrl->ShowFolder( TRUE, left, top, right, bottom );
if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )
Visual Basic
Dim rc As Integer
rc = ArsOle.ShowFolder (True, _
Screen.Width / 10, _
Screen.Height / 10, _
Screen.Width * 8 / 10, _
Screen.Height * 8 / 10)
MsgBox "ERROR"
End If