GetNumDocAnnotations method

The number of annotations attached to the document is returned in the specified variable.

short GetNumDocAnnotations(
VARIANT * pNumAnnotations )

Points to a variable to receive the number of annotations attached to the document. On return, this variable is set to type VT_I4.

The number of annotations attached to the document is returned in the specified variable.
Return Value
Refer to return codes.
See Also
GetNumDocAnnotations and GetAnnotationForDoc methods

C/C + +

The following example retrieves the annotations for a document.
  VARIANT num_notes, page, ispublic, canbecopied;
  CArsOle * pArsCtrl;
  short rc, j;
  char * pText, userid[100], datetime[200];

  rc = pArsCtrl->GetNumDocAnnotations( &num_notes );
  if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )

  pText = new char[35000];

  for ( j = 0; j < num_notes.iVal; j++ )
    rc = pArsCtrl->GetDocAnnotation( j,
                                     &canbecopied );

    if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )

    // Process annotation


  delete pText;

Visual Basic

  Dim rc, j As Integer
  Dim num_notes, page, ispublic, canbecopied As Variant
  Dim text As String
  Dim userid As String
  Dim datetime As String

  rc = ArsOle.GetNumDocAnnotations( num_notes );
  if rc <> ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS Then
      MsgBox "ERROR"
  End If

  For j = 0 To num_notes -1
      rc = ArsOle.GetAnnotationForDoc( j,            _
                                       text,         _
                                       userid,       _
                                       datetime,     _
                                       page,         _
                                       ispublic,     _
                                       canbecopied )
      if rc <> ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS Then
          MsgBox "ERROR"
      End If

      ' Process Annotation

  Next j