Content Manager OnDemand integration with FileNet P8

You can integrate Content Manager OnDemand with IBM® Enterprise Records or IBM Case Foundation to do records management initiative or business process management. You can integrate your Content Manager OnDemand content by installing Content Federation Services for Content Manager OnDemand (CFS-CMOD).

Table 1 describes the differences in prerequisites and operation between Enhanced Retention Management, IBM Enterprise Records, and IBM Case Foundation.

Table 1. Comparing prerequisites and behavior between Enhanced Retention Management, IBM Enterprise Records, and IBM Case Foundation
  Enhanced Retention Management IBM Enterprise Records IBM Case Foundation
Requires that you purchase and install Enhanced Retention Management feature of Content Manager OnDemand Yes No No
Requires that you enable Content Federation Services for Content Manager OnDemand No Yes Yes
How do you delete a document stored in Content Manager OnDemand? By removing a hold through one of several interfaces provided by Content Manager OnDemand By destroying a record through the IBM Enterprise Records interface Not supported. You can only view documents.

If you are using more than one of these solutions, Content Manager OnDemand manages the number of holds and locks that are applied to a document. Content Manager OnDemand does not delete documents until all holds and locks are removed.

It is not considered a best practice to enable Enhanced Retention Management or Enterprise Records when your documents are stored exclusively in a cache-only storage node, because cache is not considered long term storage. However, the physical data will not be deleted from cache during cache expiration; it will only be deleted from cache once the Life of Data and Indexes value has been reached, document expiration is run, and no holds exist on the documents. On IBM i servers, this means that the migration policy specified in the application group definition to which the documents belong must have at least one migration policy level with a media type other than Expire, so that the Archived Storage Manager (ASM) manages the data.

If you are not familiar with IBM Enterprise Records, IBM Case Foundation, or Content Federation Services for Content Manager OnDemand, review the following sources of information:

  • To learn more about IBM Enterprise Records and how you can use it to manage Content Manager OnDemand documents, see Records Management in the FileNet® P8 information in IBM Documentation.
  • To learn more about IBM Case Foundation (BPM) and how it can access Content Manager OnDemand documents, see Workplace XT and Workplace in the FileNet P8 information in IBM Documentation.
  • To understand how Content Federation Services federates documents from Content Manager OnDemand and other sources, see Content Federation Services overview in the FileNet P8 information in IBM Documentation.