Content Manager OnDemand files

You should save copies of all Content Manager OnDemand files needed to configure the product.

Table 1. Content Manager OnDemand configuration files to save
File Location Purpose
ars.cache /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/config Define cache storage file systems. Changes described in Creating the ARS.CACHE file for the instance.
ars.cfg /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/config Content Manager OnDemand server configuration file. Changes described in Specifying the ARS.CFG file for the instance.
ars.dbfs /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/config Define Db2® table space file systems. Changes described in Specifying the ARS.DBFS file for the instance.
ars.ini /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/config Configure Content Manager OnDemand instances. Changes described in Specifying instances in the ARS.INI file.
arslog /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/bin The System Log user exit program. Described in System log user exit.
arsprt /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/bin Server print program.