Administrative client start up parameters

Content Manager OnDemand provides parameters that you can specify as properties that the operating system uses when you start the administrative client program. The parameters can be used, for example, to automate the logon process and to select the areas that appear in the navigator pane. Table 1 lists the start up parameters for the administrative client.

Table 1. Administrative client start up parameters
Parameter Purpose Example
/A Include Cabinets in the navigator pane. /A
/B Include Applications in the navigator pane. /B
/D Include Folders in the navigator pane. /D
/D 2 Include Folders in the navigator pane, but display only the Permissions and Field Information pages. /D 2
/E Include Storage Sets in the navigator pane. /E
/I Include Users in the navigator pane. /I
/N Include IBM® Content Manager OnDemand Report Distribution for Multiplatforms in the navigator pane. /N
/O Include Groups in the navigator pane. /O
/P password The password for the Content Manager OnDemand user identified with the /U parameter. Use with the /S and /U parameters to log on to a specific server, without displaying the Logon dialog box. If the logon is not successful, then Content Manager OnDemand opens the Logon dialog box to allow the user to log on to the system. /P password
/Q Include Application Groups in the navigator pane. /Q
/R Include Printers in the navigator pane. /R
/S server Identifies the logon server. Use with the /U and /P parameters to log on to a specific server, without displaying the Logon dialog box. If the logon is not successful, the Content Manager OnDemand opens the Logon dialog box to allow the user to log on to the system. /S broncos
/T Determines the name that appears on the title bar of the administrator window. The default name is Content Manager OnDemand Administrator. /T Customer Service
/U userid Identifies the Content Manager OnDemand user. Use with the /S and /P parameters to log on to a specific server, without displaying the Logon dialog box. If the logon is not successful, Content Manager OnDemand opens the Logon dialog box to allow the user to log on to the system. /U admin