Installing batch system administration

This following information describes how to install and set up the prerequisites for Content Manager OnDemand batch system administration, and guides you through a short installation verification process.


The following files are included with the Content Manager OnDemand batch system administration:
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/bin/arsxml
  • \Program Files\IBM\ondemand\V10.5\bin\arsxml.exe (Windows)
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/ondemand.xsd - OnDemand XML Schema file
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/addgroups.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/addusers.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/deletegroups.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/deleteusers.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/exportgroups.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/exportusers.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/updategroups.xml
  • /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/xml/samples/updateusers.xml - Sample Content Manager OnDemand XML files

Installation verification

Before you run the batch system administration functions, make sure that the Content Manager OnDemand environment is properly set up:
On Windows systems:
Open a Content Manager OnDemand command prompt by selecting Start > IBM OnDemand Server V10.5 > OnDemand Command Window V10.5.
On UNIX systems:
Set up the PATH environment variable to include the Content Manager OnDemand bin directory /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/bin. Use this command:
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/bin
On other systems:
Set up the PATH environment variable to include the Content Manager OnDemand bin directory /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/bin. Use this command:
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/bin
To run the ARSXML command, change directories to the Content Manager OnDemand XML samples directory.
Run this command:
arsxml add -h <hostname> -u <user> -p <password> -i addusers.xml -v
Hostname for the Content Manager OnDemand system
A Content Manager OnDemand user which has authority to add users and printers
One of the following options:
  • The name of the stash file that contains the password for the Content Manager OnDemand user.
  • The password for the Content Manager OnDemand user.
  • Blank. The user is prompted for the password. If the user does not have a password, press enter at the blank.

The XML file contains user passwords of different lengths. If the Content Manager OnDemand system where these users are created has different password restrictions, you might need to change these passwords before you run the command.

After you run the command, you should receive several messages stating that a printer, and five users have been added successfully.

If the command is properly run, you should be able to use the OnDemand Administrator client to view the newly added users and printer.

To remove the newly added objects, run this command:
arsxml delete -h <hostname> -u <user> -p <password> -i deleteusers.xml -v
There are several other sample XML files that can be used. However, they depend on the users that are created by the addusers.xml file.