Defining Server Type properties

You must specify the server properties to configure an instance.

To set the Server Type properties:
  1. On the Server Type page, select Library and Object Server or Object Server Only.
  2. If you selected Object Server Only, identify the Library Server Name and the Object Server Name.
  3. If you selected Library and Object Server, click Advanced Options. If required, change the defaults provided for:
    • Number of Database Servers

      If you set the Number of Database Servers to a value other than 0 (zero) or 1 (one), you should update the license information for your database management product.

    • Content Federation Services (CFS-CMOD)
    • Full Text Index and Search
    Click OK to close the Advanced Options dialog box and return to the Server Type page.
  4. Click Communications. If required, change the default Protocol and Port Number.
  5. Click OK to close the Communications dialog box and return to the Server Type page.
  6. Click Next to continue.