Application group list

Table 1. Application group list API
HTTP verb URL Request parameters
GET /cmod-rest/v1/appgroup None

The application group list API returns an array of application groups. Each application group contains the name and description of the application group.

Sample request

GET /cmod-rest/v1/appgroup HTTP/1.1
usi-date: 2023-11-13T18:32:21Z
Authorization: CMODSharedKey odvttstl01-68yXERhn79KNry/oV7IY:X+A4+tLJKTtkqryOcNEru6COi81C4cxT/jv75h3fb3A=
Host: localhost

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/4.0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:32:22 GMT
Correlation-Id: c5bbc573-3e99-4beb-82ea-a5f109c13a90
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Length: 532

  "appGroups" : [ {
    "appGroupDescription" : "Eats Shoots and Leaves",
    "appGroupName" : "Bamboo Bank"
  }, {
    "appGroupDescription" : "Baxter Bay Credit",
    "appGroupName" : "Baxter Bay Credit"
  }, {
    "appGroupDescription" : "Ledger Report AG",
    "appGroupName" : "LedgerTextReports"
  }, {
    "appGroupDescription" : "OnDemand System Load Facility",
    "appGroupName" : "System Load"
  }, {
    "appGroupDescription" : "OnDemand System Log Facility",
    "appGroupName" : "System Log"
  } ]