Setting the Db2® operating environment

If you plan to use Db2® commands to work with the Content Manager OnDemand database, you must execute a script file to set the Db2 operating environment before you start the Db2 command line interface.

About this task

For Bourne or Korn shell users, run the DB2PROFILE script file. For C shell users, run the DB2CSHRC script file.

The script files can be found in the INSTHOME/sqllib directory, where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance owner. If you installed and configured the system using the suggested defaults, the instance owner is archive and the script files reside in the sqllib directory under /home/archive.


To add the script file to your profile:

Add the script file to your .profile or .login file.
For example: . /export/home/archive/sqllib/db2profile

What to do next

After executing the script file, you can start the Db2 command line interface and connect to the database. For example:

To stop the Db2 command line interface, enter: db2 =>quit