The Content Manager OnDemand system

This topic provides a high-level description of Content Manager OnDemand.

An Content Manager OnDemand system is comprised of client programs and server programs that communicate over a network running the TCP/IP communications protocol and storage and database management programs that provide support for various types of storage devices.

The Content Manager OnDemand clients operate on personal computers running Windows. The clients let you search for and retrieve documents stored in Content Manager OnDemand. Using the client program, you can construct queries and search for documents, retrieve items from Content Manager OnDemand, view, print, and FAX copies or pages of documents, and attach electronic notes to document pages.

Note: In Content Manager OnDemand, the term document refers to a part of a report, such as a statement, policy, or other logical group of pages. A report is any data to be stored in Content Manager OnDemand. A 10,000 page telephone bill report and a one page Lotus® WordPro file are both reports to Content Manager OnDemand. On some systems, documents and reports might be one and the same.

Content Manager OnDemand manages control information and index data; stores and retrieves documents, and resource group files; and processes query requests from Content Manager OnDemand client programs. The documents can reside on magnetic and optical storage volumes. New documents can be archived in the database every day. That way, Content Manager OnDemand always retrieves the latest information generated by application programs.

Content Manager OnDemand client programs and servers communicate over a computer network supported by TCP/IP. When you search for documents using Content Manager OnDemand, the client program sends a search request to the Content Manager OnDemand library server. The library server returns a list of items that match your search request. When you select an item for viewing, the client program retrieves a copy of the item from the server where it resides, opens a viewing window, and displays the item.