Adding a trigger (PDF)


  1. Make sure that the report window is in add mode. Click the Display and Add Parameters icon on the toolbar. The mode is displayed on the status bar.
  2. Select the text string that identifies the trigger. For Trigger1, select a string that uniquely identifies the first page of the document. The string must appear in the same place in every document. To select a text string, point to a position just outside of the upper left part of the string. Click and hold the left mouse button. Then drag towards the lower right part of the string. Release the mouse button. Hint: Increasing the zoom might make it easier to select the text string.
  3. Click the Define Trigger icon on the toolbar to open the Add Trigger window.
  4. Verify the Pages to Search. For Trigger1, Every Page is set automatically. For all other triggers, the value can be zero to sixteen, relative to Trigger1. For example, a value of zero means that the trigger is located on the same page as Trigger1; a value of one means that the trigger is located on the page after the page that contains Trigger1; and so forth.
  5. Verify the sample Value and the Coordinates. These values are based on the area that you selected in the report.
  6. Click OK to add the trigger.

What to do next

Click Cancel to close the Trigger window without adding the trigger.