Configuring ARSODF.XML elements

You can use various XML elements to customize ODF for your installation.

General ODF settings

Overrides any trace level setting specified on the command line. Specify this when you are having problems with the process distribution command. Possible values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST, and OFF.
Server address for outgoing email. Enter the IP address or hostname of a system running SMTP, that is, the system that is actually able to send outgoing email. For example, The SMTP server address is usually defined on the Content Manager OnDemand library server.
Whether or not to enable the secure sockets layer (SSL) when using the SMTP server to send mail. Possible values are true and false.

Report bundle print processing

 Windows only:Linux only:AIX only:IBM i only:<Printer name>

Name of the printer to use for distribution location type of Print. In many cases, you should leave this value set to DEFAULT for Multiplatforms servers, and DEFAULT_I for IBM i servers. The sample version of the program that is shipped with Content Manager OnDemand will look for a printer name of DEFAULT or DEFAULT_I, depending on the platform, in the ARSODF.XML file. If you need to specify more than one printer name and associated parameters for your Print distributions, you can customize the program and ARSODF.XML file to support this. For example, you could specify the printer name in the Customer Variables or Exit Information fields in the distribution definition and modify the program to use that name when retrieving the printer definition from the ARSODF.XML file.

For more information on customizing the program, see - Processed distribution exit.

 Windows only:Linux only:AIX only:IBM i only:<Command>

Name of the command to use to submit the print job for distribution location type of Print.

IBM i only:For IBM i, specify ARSPRT400 for this element in the DEFAULT_I section of the ARSODF.XML file.

 Windows only:Linux only:AIX only:IBM i only:<Parameter>

One or more arguments to be passed to the print command named by the <Command> element. If you need to pass an argument without a value, use an empty <Parameter> element. For example, to pass the –x argument without a value, you would specify:

<Parameter arg="-x"></Parameter>

instead of this example, which passes –x 133 to the print command.

<Parameter arg="-x">133</Parameter>

IBM i only:For IBM i, update the -o parameter argument for the OUTPUTQUEUE parameter name in the DEFAULT_I section of the ARSODF.XML file as shown:

<Parameter name="OUTPUTQUEUE" arg="-o">QGPL/QPRINT</Parameter>

where QGPL is the library name and QPRINT is the output queue name to receive distributions with location type of Print.

IBM i only:Important: In the DEFAULT_I printer definition and any others you might create for IBM i, there are <DocParameter> and <Type> elements that must not be changed. If you require only one output queue for the destination for your ODF distributions, you can use the DEFAULT_I printer name as shipped with ODF. The only detail in the ARSODF.XML file that should be changed is the output queue name specified by the OUTPUTQUEUE argument. If you need to create multiple ODF print destinations to specify different output queues, you must copy the entire DEFAULT_I stanza to duplicate it. Then, change the printer name element to specify a unique name that you will reference in your customized program, and change the OUTPUTQUEUE parameter name argument to a unique output queue name.

Email customization

Maximum number of bytes for email attachments within a single email. Sample program ships with 500000.
This is the From line used for all email notifications. Sample program ships with
This is the Subject line used for all email notifications. You can override this value to make it unique for each type of distribution if needed. See the ARSODF.XML sample file and the customizable parameters in the following table.
This is the content of the body of the email. You can make it unique for each type of distribution if needed. See the ARSODF.XML sample file and the customizable parameters in the following table.

Each distribution type (Location value set to Email, Print, File, or None with Notify by email check box selected) can have a unique subject line and customized email content containing any of the values shown in the following table.

Table 1. Email customization values
Field name Explanation
For 'Subject' line, the following parameters can be used:  
%email_count% When multiple attachments are being sent for a distribution and their sizes are greater than the Threshold value, they are split across multiple emails. This value indicates what email number this is in relation to the overall number of emails sent.
%email_total% When multiple attachments are being sent for a distribution and their sizes are greater than the Threshold value, they are split up across multiple emails. This value indicates the total number of emails sent for this distribution.
%distribution_name% This is the name of the distribution.
%recipient% This is the name of the recipient for the distribution.
For 'Content' of email, the following parameters can be used:  
%distribution_name% This is the name of the distribution.
%recipient% This is the name of the recipient for the distribution.
%attachment_begin% This parameter separates the HTML body header from the attachment text. This header text will only be displayed once at the beginning of the email.
%attachment_end% This parameter separates the attachment text from the HTML footer. This footer text will only be displayed once at the end of the email.
%attachment_number% This parameter must be placed within the attachment text and will be replaced with the attachment number.
%attachment_size% This parameter must be placed within the attachment text and will be replaced with the attachment size.
%report_begin% This parameter allows for multiple report IDs to be listed. This parameter must be placed within the attachment text.
%report_end% This parameter allows for multiple report IDs to be listed. This parameter must be placed within the attachment text.
%report_id% This parameter must be placed within the report text and will be replaced with the report ID for the bundle. There could be more than one bundle for each file.
%report_sequence% This parameter must be placed within the report text and will be replaced with the report sequence number for the bundle. There could be more than one bundle for each file.
%file_name% This parameter must be placed within the attachment text and will be replaced with the name of the file.