arsodfxb parameters

The following table shows the parameters for the arsodfxb user exit program.

Table 1. arsodfxb parameters
arsodfxb parameter Size* Explanation
01 ODFBANER-Parms    
05 ODFBANER-LIST-NAME Pointer. Recipient list name
05 ODFBANER-RECIPIENT Pointer. Recipient who receives the distribution
05 ODFBANER-DISTRIBUTION-NAME Pointer. Distribution name
05 ODFBANER-SEQUENCE-NUMBER COMP PIC S9(8). Report bundle sequence number
05 ODFBANER-APPLGROUP Pointer. Application group name
05 ODFBANER-APPLNAME Pointer. Application name
05 ODFBANER-PROCESS-DT Pointer. Process date. Controlled by TZ parameter in ars.cfg.
05 ODFBANER-HDR1 Pointer. HDR1 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR2 Pointer. HDR2 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR3 Pointer. HDR3 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR4 Pointer. HDR4 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR5 Pointer. HDR5 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR6 Pointer. HDR6 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR7 Pointer. HDR7 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-HDR8 Pointer. HDR8 value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-JNAME Pointer. Jobname that is specified in the report bundle definition
05 ODFBANER-PPT-FORMDEF Pointer. Formdef that is specified in the report bundle
05 ODFBANER-PPT-PAGEDEF Pointer. Pagedef that is specified in the report bundle
05 ODFBANER-CUSTOMER-VARIABLES Pointer. Customer variables that are specified in the report bundle
05 ODFBANER-EXITINFO Pointer. Exit information that is specified in the report bundle
05 ODFBANER-ACCOUNT Pointer. Account value that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-ADDRESS1 Pointer. Address1 that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-ADDRESS2 Pointer. Address2 that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-ADDRESS3 Pointer. Address3 that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-ADDRESS4 Pointer. Address4 that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-BUILDING Pointer. Building that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-DEPT Pointer. Department that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-NAME Pointer. Name that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-ROOM Pointer. Room that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-TITLE Pointer. Recipient title that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-EMAIL Pointer. Email address that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-DESC Pointer. Recipient description that is specified in the recipient definition
05 ODFBANER-SQL Pointer. SQL query
05 ODFBANER-EMAILNOTIFY PIC X. Notify by email flag
05 ODFBANER-LOC PIC X. Location that is specified in the report bundle definition - x'01' = email, x'02' = file, x'03' = print, x'04' = distribution loaded
05 ODFBANER-DOC-TYPE PIC X. Document type - x'41' = afp, x'42' = bmp, x'45' = email, x'47' = gif, x'4A' = jfif, x'4B' = djde, x'4C' = line, x'4D' = meta, x'4E' = none, x'4F' = oddoc, x'50' = pcx, x'51' = png, x'52' = pdf, x'53' = scs, x'54' = tiff, x'55' = usrdef, x'58' = scs-ext, x'5A' = xml
05 ODFBANER-DOC-FORMAT PIC X. Document format - x'00' = fixed, x'01' = variable, x'02' = stream
05 ODFBANER-RECLEN COMP PIC S9(8). Record length
05 ODFBANER-RECDELIM Pointer. Record delimiter
05 ODFBANER-CCTYPE PIC X. Carriage control - 'A' = ANSI, 'M' = machine, 'N' = none
05 Reserved PIC X(2). Reserved
05 ODFBANER-CHAR1 Pointer. CHAR1 that is specified in the application definition
05 ODFBANER-CHAR2 Pointer. CHAR2 that is specified in the application definition
05 ODFBANER-CHAR3 Pointer. CHAR3 that is specified in the application definition
05 ODFBANER-CHAR4 Pointer. CHAR4 that is specified in the application definition
05 ODFBANER-REQUEST-TYPE PIC X. Request type - x'01' = first header, x'02' = header, x'03' = trailer
05 Reserved PIC X(2). Reserved
05 ODFBANER-BANNER-LENGTH COMP PIC S9(8). Number of bytes that the exit is returning
05 ODFBANER-BANNER PIC X(10240). Banner data that is returned by the exit
* All parameters with Size defined as Pointer contain the address of a null terminated string that contains the actual parameter value.