Verifying processing

About this task

When you load an input file into the system, the ARSLOAD program saves a copy of the messages generated during the load process in the system log. After a load process completes, you can open the System Log folder and view the messages. Message number 87 indicates a successful load; message number 88 indicates a failure. The information in the messages includes the date and time that the load process started aarnd completed, the name of the input file, and the number of rows that were added to the database. For example:
2018-09-11 11:48:55.428185: ARS4315I Processing file >/archive/afp/arsr1mst.afp<
                    2018-09-11 11:48:55.428233: ARS4334I Load Version <>  Operating System <AIX> <7.1>  OS Userid <ADM...
                    2018-09-11 11:48:55.428260: ARS4335I Server Version <>  Operating System <AIX> <7.1>  Database ...
2018-09-11 11:48:55.432552: ARS4339I Application Group >STMTS<
2018-09-11 11:48:55.432585: ARS4340I Application >STMTS<
2018-09-11 11:48:55.432601: ARS4341I Storage Set >Cache Only - Library Server<
2018-09-11 11:48:55.432615: ARS4342I Storage Node >>Cache Only - Library Server<
2018-09-11 11:48:55.432629: ARS4347I Encryption >None<
2018-09-11 11:48:55.434596: ARS4302I Indexing started, 892034 bytes to process
2018-09-11 11:48:55.492069: ARS4308I Indexing completed
2018-09-11 11:48:55.492176: ARS4312I Loading started, 951374 bytes to process
2018-09-11 11:48:55.529560: ARS1144I OnDemand Load Id = >638007-1-0-3FAA-20000419000000-20000419000000-638069<
2018-09-11 11:48:56.317249: ARS1146I Loaded 4 rows into the database
2018-09-11 11:48:56.322782: ARS1175I Document compression type used - OD77.  Bytes Stored = >207682< Rows = >4<
2018-09-11 11:48:56.322805: ARS4310I Loading completed
2018-09-11 11:48:56.325592: ARS4317I Processing successful for file >/archive/afp/arsr1mst.afp<
2018-09-11 11:48:56.325706: ARS4349I Load Statistics: Index In >892,034<  Load In >971,443<  
      Load Out >207,682<  Rows >4<  Pages >165<  Time >0.8980<
You can verify the number of rows that Content Manager OnDemand added to the database:
  • For a report that contains transaction data that you have divided into indexed groups of pages, the number of pages in the report divided by the number of pages in an indexed group of pages should equal the number of rows added to the database. For example, if a report contains 150,010 pages and there are 100 pages in an indexed group of pages, then Content Manager OnDemand should have added 1,501 rows to the database.
  • For a report that contains logical items, such as statements and policies, the number of rows added to the database should equal the number of indexed items in the report. For example, if a report contains 1,000 statements, Content Manager OnDemand should have added 1,000 rows to the database.

The Content Manager OnDemand Load ID represents the data that the ARSLOAD program stored in the system during a load process. The Load ID can be used to identify a specific load process. For example, you can run the ARSADMIN program and specify the Load ID to delete the index data and documents that were created when the ARSLOAD program processed an input file. For an explanation of the format of the load ID, see the description of the -L parameter in Parameters.