
A printer is an output device that is managed by a server print manager and designed to print documents on paper. Content Manager OnDemand supports two types of printers, a fax machine and a print device. If you plan to deliver reports as printed documents, you must define a default printer.

A printer that you define with the administrative client is associated with a server print manager print queue. The print queue can reside on the library server or on some other network server. The print queue can be connected to one of a number of different physical devices, such as a laser printer or a FAX machine. The device can be attached to the library server or on some other server on the network.

You must define the print queue to the server print manager. Infoprint Manager is an example of a server print manager that provides server-based print management for Content Manager OnDemand. Infoprint Manager is an intelligent printer driver that provides AFP capabilities for workstation operating systems, such as AIX and Windows. These capabilities mean that you can use electronic forms, images, graphics, and typographical fonts in the documents that you print. Infoprint Manager accepts input data streams, such as AFP and z/OS line data, prepares the data for the destination print device, and manages print jobs that are queued for printing, in process, or on the output device.

When a user prints a document with the Server Print option, Content Manager OnDemand retrieves a copy of the document and places it on the print queue that is named by the printer. The server print manager processes the document, sending it to a physical print or fax device.

When a user selects a printer that is associated with a fax device, the server print manager generates a fax cover sheet that is sent with the document to the device.

A printer type of Printer with Information lets users type information used by the server print manager to generate a cover sheet that is printed with the document.

Note: To use a server type of FAX or Printer with Information, an administrator must configure the server print manager print queue that is associated with the printer by activating the Header Page Exit and specifying the name of the Header Page Program. The header page program merges the information the user specifies with a user-defined overlay to produce the cover sheet. (IBM provides a sample header page program, source code, and overlay.) See the server print manager documentation for details about configuring print queues, creating a header page exit program, and creating overlays.