Application group
An application group is a collection of reports stored in Content Manager OnDemand. The reports should have common indexing and storage management requirements. An application group represents the input data stored in Content Manager OnDemand and the indexing information used to search and retrieve documents. Content Manager OnDemand maintains a table that describes each application group. The application group table contains the characteristics and properties that you assigned when you created (and updated) the application group. For example, when you define the users that can access the reports stored in an application group, Content Manager OnDemand stores the information in the application group table. Content Manager OnDemand maintains tables of index data in the application group. When you load a report into the application group, Content Manager OnDemand stores the index data for the report into a table in the application group.
When you create an application group you must provide a name for the application group, specify whether Content Manager OnDemand manages data stored in the application group, select a database organization, specify the annotation flag, assign the application group to a storage set, and define at least one database field. Content Manager OnDemand supports up to 128 fields per application group.
When you define an application group, you specify the properties of the application group, such as the database organization, storage characteristics for the reports contained in the application group, and the names and characteristics of the database fields that are common to the applications assigned to the application group. You can also specify the users and groups that can access the data contained in the application group with Content Manager OnDemand client programs. You can specify the types of functions users can perform, such as View and Print. You can assign authority to administer the application group to a user. The administrator authority allows a user to update and delete the application group.