Folder permissions

You can specify default folder permissions and folder permissions for specific groups and users. The default permissions provide every user and group defined to the library server with the permissions that you specify. Permissions for a group provide the users that you add to the group with the permissions that you specify for the group. Permissions for a user provide the user with the permissions that you specify. By default, only the person that adds the folder, an application group/folder/cabinet administrator, or a system administrator can open the folder or maintain the folder.

You can specify the following types of folder permissions:
Determines the types of folder functions that users can perform. For example, Access lets users open the folder with Content Manager OnDemand client programs. To search for and retrieve data from the application groups referenced by the folder, the user must be given access permission to the application groups.
Named Queries
A named query is a set of search criteria, saved by name, that can be selected and restored into folder search fields. Content Manager OnDemand supports two types of named queries: public and private. A public named query is available to any user that can access the folder. A private named query is available to the user that created the named query. A system administrator or application group/folder/cabinet administrator can also access private named queries. A user can be given authority to view, create, modify, and delete named queries.
User/Group Fields
Lets users open the folder with Content Manager OnDemand client programs and modify the folder field information with the administrative client.
Maximum Hits
Determines the maximum number of documents that Content Manager OnDemand displays in the document list, regardless of the number that match the query. By default, Content Manager OnDemand lists all of the documents that match the query. The Content Manager OnDemand CICS® client program lists a maximum of 200 documents that match a query, regardless of the number that match a query or the value that you specify.
Secondary Folder
Use to mark the folder as a secondary folder. When a user logs on to a server, the client lists the primary folders that a user can open. A user can list all of the folders that they can open, including those marked as secondary, by choosing the All Folders option from the Open a Folder dialog box.
Full Report Browse
Use to allow a user of the Content Manager OnDemand client to select a document, retrieve that document, and view the entire report (load) to which the document belongs.