
-c cpi
Characters per inch in the horizontal direction of the smallest (or only) font in the input file. For example, if the input file contains text at 12 characters per inch and 10 characters per inch, then you would specify -c 12. The default value is 18 characters per inch.
-f fontDir
The name of the directory that contains user-defined character set and code page files required to process the input file. See IBM® Content Manager OnDemand: Windows Client Customization Guide for information about defining character set and code page files for use withContent Manager OnDemand client programs.
-h height
The height of a page in the input file. The -w and -h parameters define the paper size used to print a page of the input file. The default value is 11.0 inches.
-l lpi
Lines per inch in the vertical direction of the smallest (or only) font in the input file. The default value is 12 lines per inch.
-o orientation
The orientation of the data on the page in the input file. You can specify that the data appears rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. The default value is 0 degrees.
-r resourceFile
The name of the resource group file that contains the form definition and overlay associated with the input file. The ARSXAFP program can process information contained in the form definition, such as the offset, and include text from an overlay in the output file.
-t file
AFP viewer trace file.
-w width
The width of a page in the input file. The -w and -h parameters define the paper size used to print a page of the input file. The default value is 8.5 inches.
Use to specify that you do not want the output to contain any horizontal or vertical lines that were present in the AFP document.
Use to specify the value that represents the character space reset algorithm with which to place text in the output.
The name of the AFP input file to process
-1 trace_file
Specify a fully qualified trace file name as directed by IBM Software Support.
-2 level
Specify a value as directed by IBM Software Support.