The ARSLSYNC program provides the following functions:
- Synchronize users from LDAP to Content Manager OnDemand
- Synchronize groups from LDAP to Content Manager OnDemand
- Synchronize group membership from LDAP to Content Manager OnDemand
- Ignore lists for both users and groups
- Create viewable success and failure system log messages (including manifest file)
- Run in preview mode only (if desired)
- Run with verbose output (if desired)
The ARSLSYNC program can be configured to run as a Windows scheduled task or a Unix cron job, or run manually from a properly configured Content Manager OnDemand command prompt.
To conform to Content Manager OnDemand user and group naming standards, any special characters from LDAP will be converted to the underscore (_) character. This includes the following characters:
- asterisk ( * )
- percent ( % )
- plus ( + )
- left bracket ( [ )
- right bracket ( ] )
- double quote ( " )
- blank
For example, an LDAP user with a samAccountName of ‘cmod admin’ will be imported into Content Manager OnDemand as ‘cmod_admin’. Although this scenario is not common, you should confirm with your LDAP administrator that this conversion will not result in the attempted creation of duplicate IDs.