FTS Server
The Full Text Search Server (FTS Server) provides a full document processing pipeline that
includes text extraction from binary formats, a wide range of encoding support, and language
processing in various languages. The flow of data during indexing depends on the
configuration and environment. For example, the following process occurs in a single-server
- Document contents and properties are sent from the Content Manager OnDemand repository through the FTS Exporter to the FTS Server.
- FTS then preprocesses the data, including text extraction, language identification, tokenization, and language analysis on the documents.
- After preprocessing, the document content is stored in the FTS index.
The FTS Server comes with text extractors for many varied document types, including Microsoft Office formats and XML. However, for AFP and Line Data, text extraction occurs within the FTS Exporter. Images do not contain text, and they are not supported in FTS.