The following information applies to OnDemand for z/OSThe following information applies to Content Manager OnDemand for i.The following information applies to OnDemand for Multiplatforms.

Client/server architecture

The APIs provide a convenient programming interface for application users. APIs can be stored on both the Content Manager OnDemand server and the client (both provide the same interface), and the applications can be located locally or remotely. The client API communicates with the server to access data through the network. Communication between the client and the server is performed by classes; it is not necessary to add any additional programs.

Important: The ODServer object represents a single connection to a Content Manager OnDemand server. This object, and all objects created from it (ODFolder, ODHit, and so on), cannot be accessed by multiple threads at the same time. To handle large numbers of users, it is recommended to either create a single ODServer object per user or create an ODServer connection pool where these connections can be distributed to a single transaction at a time.