Creating the ARS.CACHE file for the instance
The ARS.CACHE file lists the file systems on the object server that can be used by Content Manager OnDemand for cache storage.
About this task
If there are multiple file systems in the ARS.CACHE file, Content Manager OnDemand uses the file system with the greatest amount of space free to store the objects.
The following
example shows an ARS.CACHE file that defines
five cache storage file systems:
Note: For a distributed library
/ object server system, configure one copy of the ARS.CACHE file
on each server that is part of the Content Manager OnDemand system.
To create the ARS.CACHE file for the instance:
Content Manager OnDemand cache
storage files and subdirectories should have the following permissions:
drwx------ for every subdirectory (700)
-r-------- for every object that has been migrated to archive storage (400)
-rw------- for every object that has not yet been migrated (600)
-rwxrwxrwx for every symbolic link under the retr and migr directories (777)