Helpful hints

  1. To simplify the task of providing access to application groups, folders, and cabinets, give access to a group rather than a user. When a new user needs access, add the user to the group.
  2. To allow an application group/folder/cabinet administrator to see groups in the permissions list, add the application group/folder/cabinet administrator to the groups that require access to application groups, folders, and cabinets.
  3. To allow multiple users to administer the same groups, create a group of users and make that group the group owner for any groups that need to be administered by multiple users.
  4. The Create Groups authority is most effectively used if it is combined with the Create Users authority or added to a user administrator. Because the purpose of a group is to give a set of users permissions to another object, it is not very useful if the user that creates the group does not have access to any users. Otherwise, the user that creates a group must be given access to each user that needs to be added to the group.