How does the administrative client help me do my job?

Welcome to the Content Manager OnDemand administrative client, a powerful and flexible program designed to help you maintain your Content Manager OnDemand system.

The administrative client provides tools to:
  • Define reports to the system
  • Add and maintain Content Manager OnDemand users and groups
  • Add and maintain server printers
  • Add and maintain storage sets and storage nodes
  • Create summaries about users, groups, applications, application groups, storage sets, folders, printers, holds, and cabinets
  • Add and maintain servers
  • Set system parameters for Content Manager OnDemand servers and client programs
  • Copy items from one Content Manager OnDemand server to another
  • Track changes made to the system. When you use the administrative client to add or update an object in Content Manager OnDemand, information about the object is saved in the system log. The information includes the changes that you made.