Concatenating resources to an AFP™ file

A resource group can be created and stored in a file by using the ARSACIF program. The resource file and the AFP file can then be concatenated together to form a file that can be processed by the indexing program.

The following lists the parameters used to create a resource file using the ARSACIF program. The parameters process an AFP file named credit.afp, which is an AFP file that contains no indexing information or inline resources. The example is for an AIX® system. For this example, the output file and the index file that ACIF usually generates are not needed; all resources are assumed to be in the directory named by the USERLIB parameter.

Contents of the ACIF parameter file parms.acif:
Command used to generate the resource group file:
arsacif parmdd=parms.acif
Command to concatenate the resource group file and the AFP file:
cat credit.res credit.afp > credit.out
You can then process the credit.out file with the indexing program if you want to index the data.