Management programs
Content Manager OnDemand provides a disk storage manager to maintain and optimize the database and maintain documents on disk. An administrator usually determines the processing parameters for these programs, including the frequency with which the programs should run.
When someone in your organization creates an application group, they specify other parameters that these programs use to maintain the report data stored in the application group. For example, when creating an application group, the administrator specifies how long documents should be maintained on the system and whether index data should be migrated from the database to archive media. The disk storage manager uses the information to migrate documents from disk to archive media, delete documents from disk, migrate index data from the database to archive media, and delete index data from the database. These functions are useful because Content Manager OnDemand can reclaim the disk space released by expired and migrated data. You should configure your Content Manager OnDemand system to automatically start these management programs on a regular schedule, usually once every night or week.
The archive storage manager deletes data from archive media when it reaches its storage expiration date, if the migration policy contains an Expire level. An administrator defines management information to the archive storage manager to support the Content Manager OnDemand data it manages. The management information includes storage volumes that can contain Content Manager OnDemand data, the number of copies of a report to maintain, and how long to keep data in the archive management system.
Content Manager OnDemand maintains documents on disk and on archive media independently of each other, until the documents expire. Expiration in one storage manager expires data from the other storage manager. Each use their own criteria to determine when to expire and delete data; each use their own commands to remove documents. You need to decide how data will be expired from your system and consistently apply those standards when creating your application groups and migration policies.