Defining the application group

When you archive reports in IBM® Content Manager OnDemand, the ADDRPTOND command adds index data to the database and compresses report data into storage objects and copies the storage objects into Content Manager OnDemand. The index data and the storage objects are associated with an application group. As part of defining a report to Content Manager OnDemand, you must specify the application group that Content Manager OnDemand uses to maintain the data. The application group specifies the database fields that hold the index data and the storage management information that determines where Content Manager OnDemand maintains the report data and how long it maintains the index data and the report data. You can use the Content Manager OnDemand administrative client to define an application group. See the online help for the administrative client for more information about defining database fields and specifying storage management information for application groups.

If you plan to maintain a copy of your reports in archive storage, then the application group must specify a migration policy and storage set that identify your storage management requirements.