Defining indexes

The indexes determine the values that are stored in the database and the type of index. For the loan report, define two indexes. The first index contains a date value for a group of pages. The second index contains the beginning and ending loan number values for a group of pages.


To define indexes:

  1. Clear any selected triggers or fields by clicking a blank area of the report.
  2. Click the Add an Index icon on the toolbar to open the Add an Index dialog box.
  3. Accept the suggested default and the application group database field name, report_date.
    The Identifier (Index1) determines the name of the index parameter. The Attribute is the name of the index. When data is loaded into the application group, the date index values will be stored in the report_date application group database field.
  4. Select Group. To store data in the system, you must define at least one group index.
    The Type of Index determines the type of index generated by ACIF.
  5. Set Break to Yes.
    A group index must always control the break. Even though in this example, the group index does not control the break, the GROUPMAXPAGES parameter does.
  6. Identify the field parameter that ACIF uses to locate the index and click Add.
    The Fields area lists the field parameters that were defined (in the Fields list) for the report.
  7. Type Loan Number in the Attribute field.
    The Identifier is Index2. Later, on the Load Information page, you will map the index to application group database fields. Loan number values are not mapped directly to a database field, so you must enter your own index name in the Attribute field.
  8. Select an index type of GroupRange and identify the field parameter that ACIF uses to locate the index.
    ACIF should extract the beginning and ending loan numbers for a group of pages. Because a grouprange trigger can never break a group, Break must always be set to No.
  9. Select Field2 and add it to the Order list. Click Add to add the index.
  10. Click Done to close the Add an Index dialog box.