Trigger window options (Line)

The name of the trigger parameter. When adding a trigger, this field contains the next available trigger parameter name, beginning with Trigger1.
The type of trigger. Choose from Group and Float. Define group triggers to uniquely identify the beginning of a group. Define only the minimum number of group triggers required to uniquely identify the beginning of a group. In many cases, this means only one group trigger is required. Trigger1 must be a group trigger. Define float triggers to locate field data that does not occur in the same location on each page or on the same page in each group. The indexing program determines the location of a float trigger by searching every record for the specified trigger value, starting in the specified column (or every column, if an asterisk is specified).
The actual value of the trigger. The graphical indexer displays the value that you selected in the report. Use the arrow keys to move to the right-most and left-most characters of the value. Note: If the input data contains machine carriage control characters, then the lines that contain an Action Only carriage control character (such as a hexadecimal 0B) is displayed in the report window so that you can define a trigger using the carriage control character. The Action Only carriage control character is located in column one of the line.
Records to Search
Determines the records that the indexing program searches to find the trigger. For Trigger1, the indexing program searches every record. If you selected float as the trigger type, then the indexing program searches every record. If you selected Group as the trigger type, then Offset from Trigger1 is automatically selected and the Start and End values show the record number that contains the value that you selected in the report. If the trigger value is not always located in the same record relative to Trigger1, then verify the Record Range area. In the End field, type the record number at which point you want the indexing program to stop searching for the trigger. For example, assume that the trigger value can occur in records 5, 6, 7, or 8 offset from Trigger1; the Start value would be 5 and you would type an 8 in the End field. Note: The Start value of a Record Range trigger can also be changed. The only restriction is that the record offset of the reference trigger string must be in the Start - End range. For example, if the selected trigger string for Trigger2 is located eight records from Trigger1, then the Start - End range must include record number eight; the Start could be 6 and the End could be 9.
Columns to Search
Determines the columns of the trigger record or records that the indexing program searches to find the trigger. Choose from Every Column, Column n, where n is the starting column of the value you selected in the report, and Carriage Control. For reports that contain carriage control characters, column 1 refers to the carriage control. If you choose Every Column, then the indexing program scans the record from left to right looking for the trigger value.