Selecting applications in the folder

Content Manager OnDemand provides the Select Applications in the Folder window so that you can select the applications that you want to query from the folder. By default, when you add an application group to a folder, you provide access to all of the applications contained in the application group. By identifying the applications that can be queried from the folder, you can limit access to data stored in an application group.

When an application is added to an application group and the application group is in a folder with excluded applications, the new application will also be excluded in the folder.

An application group is removed from a folder when the last included application in the folder has been deleted from the system.

Here are the available window options:

Applications in the Folder
The list of applications contained in the application group. By default, Content Manager OnDemand lists all of the applications. That is, Content Manager OnDemand provides access to all of the applications in an application group. To remove an application from a folder, select the application name and choose Remove. Content Manager OnDemand places the application name in the Applications list.
The list of applications that cannot be queried from the folder. When you choose an application name in the Applications in the Folder list and choose Remove, Content Manager OnDemand places the application name in this list.

Here are the available commands:

Select an application name in the Applications list and choose this command to add the application to the folder.
Select an application name in the Applications in the Folder list and choose this command to remove the application from the folder.
When you have finished selecting applications, choose this command. Content Manager OnDemand saves the application information and closes the Select Applications in the Folder window.
Close the Select Applications in the Folder window and not change the applications in the folder.
Open the online help for the Select Applications in the Folder dialog box.