Application view information options

Data Type
The format of the data as it is stored in Content Manager OnDemand. Select from AFP, Line, BMP, GIF, JFIF (JPEG), Line, Metacode, PCX, PDF, PNG, SCS, SCS-Extended, TIFF, User Defined, XML, and Global DJDE. None is a special data type, reserved for Content Manager OnDemand system applications.
  • SCS-Extended should not be selected on a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms or z/OS server unless the data is being indexed and loaded from an IBM® i server to a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms or z/OS server.
  • SCS should not be selected on a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms or z/OS server unless the data is being indexed and loaded from an IBM i server to a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms or z/OS server.
  • Global DJDE is available on z/OS only.
Paper Size
For AFP and SCS-Extended, determines the paper size (dimensions) that Content Manager OnDemand uses to view and print pages. If you select Autosize, then Content Manager OnDemand client programs display pages based on information contained in the data. If the data contains no internal definition for the page size, then Content Manager OnDemand displays the page at 8.5 x 11 inches. If the report contains pages of varying sizes and the data contains information that describes the size of a page, select Autosize. The Content Manager OnDemand client programs display each page according to the information in the data.
For AFP, BMP, GIF, JFIF (JPEG), PCX, PDF, PNG, TIFF, and SCS-Extended, determines the alignment of report data on the display. That is, the direction that the Content Manager OnDemand client program displays pages of the report. Choose from 0, 90, 180, or 270 degree orientation.
Code Page
For Line, SCS, and Global DJDE, determines the code page used by the client to display the data. For Line, the default value is 500. For SCS, the default value is the code page of the server. However, you can type any valid code page. For example, code page 850 is typically used to display an ASCII line data report. Code page 500 is typically used to display an EBCDIC line data report. For all other types of data, Content Manager OnDemand derives the code page from the data. For example, for AFP, information in the data stream determines the code page; AFP supports multiple code pages in the same document.
Line Count
For Line and Global DJDE, determines when page breaks occur. A page break occurs the line after the number you specify. For example, if you type 58 in the Line Count field, then a new page begins with line 59. The valid range of values is 1 (one) to 9999. Note that page breaks also occur if the input data contains Skip to Channel One carriage control characters.
File Extension
If the Data Type is User Defined, then type the file extension that identifies the type of the file to the client operating system. The client operating system settings determine the program started when the user opens a file with the extension that you specify. The file extension can be from one to twenty characters. Some examples of file extensions are DOCX for a Microsoft Word document and PPTX for a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
(Record Format) For Line and Global DJDE, determines the record format of the data. Choose from Fixed, Variable, or Stream. Note: For IBM i, RECFM is valid only for line data and the value is set to Variable and cannot be changed.
(Logical Record Length) If the RECFM is Fixed, specify the LRECL.
If the RECFM is Stream, the delimiter determines the character or set of characters that separate records in the data stream. Type the ASCII or hexadecimal character(s) that delimit the records, for example, 0A. or 0D0A. Input data from Windows operating systems typically contains two-character line delimiters.
(Carriage Control) If the line data contains carriage control characters, then set CC to Yes and choose a CC Type. A carriage control character is usually the first character of an output record (line) in the input data. For example, a carriage control character can determine how many lines should be skipped before the next line is displayed or printed. Note: IBM i does not use the CC option.
CC Type
If the line data contains carriage control characters, determines the type of carriage control characters. Choose from ANSI and Machine. Note: IBM i does not use the CC Type option.
(Table Reference Character) Determines whether the line data contains table reference characters. If the input data contains TRCs, you must set TRC to Yes, even though Content Manager OnDemand does not use the TRCs. A table reference character is usually the second character of an output record (line) in the input data. The application program that generated the input data might produce output that uses different fonts on different lines of the data. The fonts can be controlled by specifying table reference characters at the beginning of each line after the carriage control character. The table reference character contains a value (0 -- 126) that is used to select a font to display or print the line. Note: IBM i does not use the TRC option.
(Processing Mode) For Line, SCS, and Global DJDE, if the data contains shift-out and shift-in codes, determines how Content Manager OnDemand handles them. Shift-out codes (x'0E') and shift-in codes (x'0F') indicate when the code points in a record change from single byte to double byte and double byte to single byte. Choose from None, SOSI1, SOSI2, and SOSI3.
Update Indexer Parameters
Determines whether Content Manager OnDemand coordinates the indexing information on the View Information page with the information specified in the Indexer Parameters window. By default, the information matches and if you change a value in one place, then Content Manager OnDemand automatically changes the value in the other place. If you need to maintain different information on the View Information page than the Indexer Parameters, then you must first clear the Update Indexer Parameters checkbox.
Several of the viewing parameters have corresponding indexer parameters, because both sets contain parameters that describe the physical characteristics of the data. For convenience, when one or more of the common viewing parameters change, the corresponding indexer parameters are changed. If one or more of the common indexer parameters change, the corresponding viewing parameters are changed.
The corresponding parameters are as follows:
Table 1. Corresponding parameters
View information parameters Indexer parameters
Code Page CPGID
CCType and Code Page CCTYPE
Data Type = Line CONVERT=NO