
Content Manager OnDemand can store copies of reports on disk and archive storage.

The primary purpose of disk storage is short-term, high-speed storage and retrieval of reports. The primary purpose of archive storage is long-term storage and retrieval of reports. Reports in archive storage can also be used as backup copies, in the event that disk storage becomes corrupted or unavailable. Archive storage consists of cloud storage, disk pools, optical, or tape, managed by the archived storage manager. Most customers configure the system to copy reports to disk and archive storage at the same time, when they load a report into the system.

Content Manager OnDemand can retrieve a copy of a report from archive storage after the report has been removed from disk or if the copy on disk is unavailable. However, you must configure the system to support multiple copies of reports. You must define devices to the archive storage manager, and configure Content Manager OnDemand to use archive storage. You configure Content Manager OnDemand to use archive storage by defining migration policies and storage sets, assigning application groups to the storage sets, and configuring data migration in application groups.