Identifies the index name and the field or fields on which the index is based. You must specify at least one index parameter.

You can specify up to 128 index parameters. When you create index parameters, you should name the index the same as the application group database field name.
Default Value
Remember: Running the ARSPDOCI program is not supported on z/OS® or Linux for System z platforms.



Options and values

The index parameter identifier. When adding an index parameter, use the next available number, beginning with 1 (one).
Determines the index name associated with the actual index value. For example, assume INDEX1 is to contain account numbers. The string acct_num would be a meaningful index name. The index value of INDEX1 would be an actual account number, for example, 000123456789.
The index name is a string from 1 to 250 bytes in length. You should name the index the same as the application group database field name.
You can specify the index name in hexadecimal. If you specify the value in hexadecimal, it must be specified in UTF-8.
The name used in the INDEX parameter must match the Load ID Name value provided on the Load Information tab for the application group database field name.

The name of the field parameter or parameters that the PDF indexer uses to locate the index. You can specify a maximum of 128 field parameters. Separate the field parameter names with a comma. If the index contains a field which is based on a floating trigger, it must be the only field in the index.

When the index value is constructed, the total length of all the concatenated index values cannot exceed 2000 characters.

PDF indexer supports group-level indexes only. This parameter is optional.


The following index parameter causes the PDF indexer to create group-level indexes for date index values (the PDF indexer supports group-level indexes only).
When the index value changes, the PDF indexer closes the current group and begins a new group.
TRIGGER1=UL(5.75,0.71),LR(7.93,1.06),*,'Bill Summary'
The following index parameters cause the PDF indexer to create group-level indexes for customer name and account number index values. The PDF indexer closes the current group and begins a new group when either the customer name or the account number index value changes.
TRIGGER1=UL(5.75,0.71),LR(7.93,1.06),*,'Bill Summary'
The following index parameters cause the PDF indexer to create group-level indexes for customer name and balance index values. The PDF indexer closes the current group and begins a new group only when the customer name index value changes.
TRIGGER1=UL(5.75,0.71),LR(7.93,1.06),*,'Bill Summary'
TRIGGER2=UL(3.13,3.27),LR(5.59,4.32),*,'Total Balance',(TYPE=FLOAT)

Related parameters