Syntax Rules

Each parameter with its associated values can span multiple records, but the parameter and the first value must be specified in the same record. If additional values need to be specified in the following record, a comma (,) must be specified, following the last value in the previous record.

The following are general syntax rules for parameter files:
  • The comma indicates that additional values are specified in one or more of the following records. Underscored values are the default and are used by ACIF if no other value is specified. For example:
    OLD.PROD.LIBRARY    /* These are the FORMDEF libraries.  
  • Blank characters inserted between parameters, values, and symbols are allowed and ignored. For example, specifying:
      FORMDEF  =  F1TEMP
          PAGEDEF =   P1PROD
    INDEX1  = FIELD1 , FIELD2 ,   FIELD3  
    Is equivalent to specifying:
  • When ACIF processes any unrecognized or unsupported parameter, it issues a message, ignores the parameter, and continues processing any remaining parameters until the end of the file, at which time it terminates processing.
  • If the same parameter is specified more than one time, ACIF uses the last value specified. For example, if the following is specified:

    ACIF uses code page 395.

  • Comments must be specified using /* as the beginning delimiter. For example:
    FORMDEF=F1TEMP  /* Temporary FORMDEF
    FORMDEF=F1PROD  /* Production-level FORMDEF  

    Comments can appear anywhere, but ACIF ignores all information in the record following the /* character string.

  • Although ACIF supports parameter values spanning multiple records, it does not support multiple parameters in a single record. The following is an example of this:
    CHARS=X0GT10 CCTYPE=A  /* This is not allowed.