Specifies the data sets that compose the overlay library.

Default Value
Data Type
You can specify a maximum of eight data sets. For example:
The parameter also specifies the concatenation sequence when ACIF searches for a particular overlay resource. ACIF first looks for the resource in dsname1. If ACIF cannot find the resource in dsname1, it continues the search with dsname2, and so on, until it either locates the requested resource or exhausts the list of specified data sets.
If the USERLIB parameter is also specified, ACIF searches for the resource in the data sets specified in USERLIB before searching the data sets identified in OVLYLIB.
  • Data sets must be specified as fully-qualified names without quotation marks.
  • For systems earlier than MVS/DFP Version 2.3, data sets must be concatenated with the largest block size first.
  • This is a required parameter if overlay retrieval is requested and USERLIB is not specified. The RESTYPE parameter determines whether overlays are to be retrieved for inclusion in the resource data set. If this parameter is not specified, and overlay retrieval is requested, ACIF reports an error condition and ends processing.



Options and values

The names of one to eight data sets that compose the overlay library. Delimit data set names with the comma (,) character.

Related parameters