When converting line data to AFP and the input data contains TRCs, the CHARS parameter is required if the specified page definition does not name a font. The CHARS parameter identifies from one to four fonts referenced in the data.

Default Value
Data Type

If the fonts will be saved in a resource group, the CHARS parameter also provides the names of the fonts ACIF saves in the resource group. The CHARS command can also be used to specify the font used for the entire report when the input data does not contain TRCs and the specified page definition does not name a font.

Use the CHARS parameter to specify coded fonts in a font library having names of six or fewer characters (including the prefix). You can rename any fonts having more than six characters or use a text editor to create new coded fonts for use with the CHARS parameter. When ACIF is used to convert line data or mixed-mode data, you must specify a page definition with the PAGEDEF parameter. You can then specify the fonts either in the page definition or with the CHARS parameter, but not both. You cannot mix fonts specified in a page definition with fonts specified with CHARS for a single file. If you use the CHARS parameter to specify fonts, but you also use the PAGEDEF parameter to specify a page definition that names fonts, the CHARS parameter is ignored. Therefore, if your page definition names fonts, you should not use the CHARS parameter.



Options and values

The fontlist is a comma-separated string of one to four valid coded font names, for example:

The font name is limited to four alphanumeric or national characters and cannot include the two-character prefix of the coded font name (X0 through XG). For example, the coded font X0GT10 is specified as GT10. On UNIX servers, the font name is case sensitive.

The fonts that you specify must reside in a library that is specified with FONTLIB, USERLIB, or RESLIB (UNIX or Windows servers) parameters.

Related parameters