Content Manager OnDemand systems
The OnDemand Client program is your way to access documents that are stored in Content Manager OnDemand servers.
- Client programs and server programs that communicate over a network
- A central database and the database manager program
- A storage manager that provides support for various types of storage devices to hold the reports that are stored in the system
- Construct queries and search for documents
- Retrieve items from Content Manager OnDemand
- View, print, and fax copies of documents
- Attach electronic notes to documents
Content Manager OnDemand servers manage control information and index data; store and retrieve reports, resources, and documents; and process query requests from OnDemand Client programs. The Content Manager OnDemand server manages a database of information about the users of the system and the reports that are stored in the system. The Content Manager OnDemand server maintains documents that are on disk, optical, and tape storage devices. Content Manager OnDemand servers might be installed on different physical systems.
When you search for documents, the OnDemand Client sends a search request to the Content Manager OnDemand server. The server returns the list of documents that meet the search request. When you select a document for viewing, the client retrieves a copy of the document from the server on which the document is stored, opens a viewing window, and opens the document.