The examples that follow demonstrate how to
use the Content Manager OnDemand component
of IBM Navigator for i to:
- Create output queue monitor definitions which contain information about the output queue to be monitored, the handling of the spooled files being archived, and information about starting and ending the monitor job. The example uses an output queue monitor to archive spooled files, but you can also monitor IFS directories to archive IFS files as well.
- Create cloud storage resource definitions to identify cloud storage that the archived storage management (ASM) process can use as storage media when migrating data.
- Create disk pool storage group definitions to identify IBM® i Auxiliary Storage Pools (ASPs) that the archived storage management (ASM) process can use as storage media when migrating data.
- Create optical storage groups which are used to group sets of optical volumes together to store related data.
- Add optical volumes which are available for use by Content Manager OnDemand.
- Create tape devices that are available for use by Content Manager OnDemand if tape archival is selected.
- Add tape volumes which are available for use by Content Manager OnDemand
- Create migration policies which provide migration and storage media characteristics for data archived using Content Manager OnDemand.
The examples that follow also demonstrate how to use the Content Manager OnDemand Administrator client to:
- Add users and groups to the system. Users on the system obtain permission to open folders and access application group data from a group.
- Define a server printer that can be used as the default printer for an application.
- Add a report to the system. To add a report, create an application group, an application, and a folder.