Naming rules
When you create objects in Content Manager OnDemand, you assign names to the various objects.
If you install Content Manager OnDemand with a language that requires multiple bytes per character (for example, Kanji), the number of characters permitted for a name is less than the number listed in the sections that follow.
When naming a
user, the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 128 bytes, depending upon whether your Content Manager OnDemand user names are linked to your IBM® i user profile names. If you are using Content Manager OnDemand as shipped, your Content Manager OnDemand user names are linked to your IBM i user profile names. This is the default setup and desirable for most customers. However, you can change this if you like, so that there is no relationship between your Content Manager OnDemand user names and your IBM i user profile names.
- Cannot include the * (asterisk), % (percentage) + (plus), [ (left bracket), ] (right bracket), “ (double quotation mark)
- Must be unique
- By default, Content Manager OnDemand converts lowercase letters in a user name to uppercase (for example, laguarde is stored as LAGUARDE)
When creating
a password, the value that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 20 bytes. When creating a password, the value that you specify can be a maximum of 20 bytes. However, the password authentication that is built into Content Manager OnDemand verifies only the first eight characters that are entered by the user. The additional characters are provided for customers who choose to implement their own password security by using the logon user exit. Contact the IBM support center for more information about the logon user exit.
- By default, Content Manager OnDemand converts lowercase letters in a password to uppercase (for example, laguarde is stored as LAGUARDE). If you define a logon user exit, then you can determine the characteristics of passwords on your system.
When naming a group, the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 128 bytes
- Cannot include the * (asterisk), ' (apostrophe) % (percentage) + (plus), [ (left bracket), ] (right bracket), “ (double quotation mark)
- Must be unique
- Can be mixed case; however, Content Manager OnDemand ignores the case (for example, LaGuarde is the same as laguarde)
When naming an application group, application, or folder,
the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 60 bytes, including embedded blanks. If you choose to use the output queue monitor function of OnDemand to automatically load your reports, then you should plan to name your applications and application groups such that the first ten characters match the spooled file name, userdata, formtype, or one of the other supported spooled file attributes. See the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i: Common Server Administration Guide for more details about output queue monitors.
- Cannot include the '% (percentage), [ (left bracket), ] (right bracket), or “ (double quotation mark) characters
- Can be mixed case; however, Content Manager OnDemand ignores the case (for example, LaGuarde is the same as laguarde)
- An application name must be unique to the application group where you assign the application
- An application group or folder name must be unique to the server
When naming a database field, the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to eighteen bytes
- Must begin with the letter A through Z
- Can include the letters A through Z, the numbers 0 through 9, and the @ (at sign), $ (dollar), _ (underscore), and # (number sign)
- Can be mixed case; however, Content Manager OnDemand doesn't create a unique name (for example, rDate is the same as rdate)
- Must be unique to the application group
- Cannot be any of the Content Manager OnDemand reserved
annot doc_off comp_len doc_type comp_off prt_nid comp_type resource doc_len res_comp_type doc_name sec_nid
- Cannot be any of the words reserved by the database manager. (For a list of reserved words, see Appendix D of the Db2® for i SQL Reference.)
When naming a logical view, the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 30 bytes
- Can be mixed case
- A public view must be unique to the application
- A private view must be unique to the user
When naming a folder field, the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 60 bytes, including embedded blanks
- Can be mixed case; however, Content Manager OnDemand ignores the case (for example, Report Date is the same as report date)
- Must be unique to the folder
When naming a storage set or migration policy, the name
that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 60 bytes
- Can be mixed case; however, Content Manager OnDemand ignores the case (for example, LaGuarde is the same as laguarde)
- Must be unique
When naming a server printer, the name that you specify:
- Can contain from one to 60 bytes
- Can be mixed case; however, Content Manager OnDemand ignores the case (for example, LaGuarde is the same as laguarde)
- Must be unique to the server
When naming a server printer queue, the name that you
- Must be a valid output queue name on the server, entered in the format of libraryname/outq